What Can You Give?

This week I have been asking what your theme will be for this year, what you want for this year, today I want to ask what you will give? My theme for 2009 is service – giving to the world. People who know me and check out my website for the first time are often astonished by how much I give away, but I know that giving feels good! Whenever I am feeling low, I look for a way that I can make a difference to someone else.

It makes me feel good, hopefully makes them feel good, reminds me that I am a valuable and wonderful human being, and I know of nothing better to dispel a low mood! Sometimes we can get so focused on what we want to get in our own lives, we forget to restore the balance by giving. And as giving feels so good, it’s a good idea to regularly get out of our longing and into contributing as often as we can.

So, what can you give in 2009? It could be your money, time, love, expertise, or ideas. Give with love, and enjoy your giving. Oh, and if there is anything I can give you, let me know.



PS Leave me a comment and tell me what you’re going to give.


