What Do You Wish To Nourish? - Donna Higton - life coach and author
It's Wishcasting Wednesday. There is power in wishing - putting your wishes out there sets mighty forces into action... What Do You Wish To Nourish? After the week I've had so far, the answer to this one is EASY! Me. I wish to nourish me. Over the last couple of days I have been working late into the night and realised last night I had brain fry! I had already decided that today would be a much 'ease-ier' day work-wise, but this prompt just reinforces my wish to nourish myself. I wish to nourish my body and feed it foods that give me energy (not the empty caloried sweeties I am currently chomping my way through!). I wish to nourish my creativity - Jamie has been a godsend in this regard, reminding me to exercise said creativity and giving lots of tools, tips and ideas that I now use regularly. I wish to nourish my love life. I wish to nourish me - body, mind, heart and soul. I also wish to nourish my business, and give it the very best chance I can that we together will serve hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of people, maybe even millions (!) helping them to live with purpose, passion and joy. I wish to nourish all the ideas, articles, products and opportunities that come my way and do them justice so that through me these ideas can change someone's life. And to do all this, I need to nourish me! It all comes back to that, it starts with nourishing me. I can do that! Get involved on Jamie’s blog, or leave a comment here. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also. Love Donna.x