What Gifts Do I Wish To Share? - Donna Higton - life coach and author
Wishcasting Wednesday is here again. This week Jamie asks: What Gifts Do I Wish To Share? I wonder if everyone who ponders this question starts the same way as I do? With 'what gifts do I even have?' Which, of course, we all do. We all have gifts...but all too often those gifts are what we do quite easily and naturally so we don't really notice how gifted we are. We look at other people and see their gifts much more easily than we do our own. Why is that? When do we become so bashful? Is it from years of expressing our gifts as a child and being mocked for it? Is it fear of being thought 'immodest' (like that's the worst thing in the world to be?!)? Is it because we're trained through our lives to identify where we are lacking in life and become mediocre in everything instead of concentrating on honing our brilliance? This post is in danger of being hi-jacked by a bit of a rant, so let me bring it back to what gifts I want to share. I have a gift for helping people to see how wonderful they truly are, to help them to shine their light into the world. I have a gift for helping people to relax and enjoy their lives. I have a gift for writing inspiring blog posts (phew that was quite hard to write!). In fact, I have many gifts and I wish to share them all. And to share them all, I need to own them all, fully and completely. I have faith that the process of wishcasting will help me move towards that easily, just as last week's wish did. Get involved on Jamie’s blog, or leave a comment here. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also. Love Donna.x