What’s Your Big Dream?

The other day I read this blog post by Danielle LaPorte and it got me thinking.

 What’s YOUR big dream?

What do you dream of happening in your life? What would you ask the ‘life fairy godmother’ to wave her magic wand and give you? If there were no limitations, what would you do? Do you want to write a book? Move to the beach? Make a million? Be 100% healthy? Start a business? Surf a huge wave? Be an artist? Make music? Dance? Live in a castle? Pay off your debts? Be on the stage? Swim with dolphins? Go to space? Have an animal farm? Eradicate poverty? Get educated? Fall in love with your life?

Whether your big dream will change your life or the whole world, I hope you are nurturing it, loving it and moving towards it…and I’d love to hear about it!

And don’t forget, this is what I do! I help people move their big dreams into reality, so if I can help you, get in touch!




