Working for the Dark Side

Do you work on the side of light or on the side of Dark? The light side looks for what’s good, what’s working, what’s enjoyable, what’s fun, what’s right with life. The Dark side does the opposite – it looks for what’s bad, what’s broken, what’s terrible, what’s upsetting, what’s wrong with life. The news largely works for the Dark side – using inflated, exaggerated disaster stories to create a ‘good’ story. And many of us, without realising, work for the Dark side.

We look at what we’ve done wrong, wallow in the painful, irritating and hurtful stuff (talking about how hard done by we are), zero in on the flaws in our life (and in the mirror), see all the things we failed at through a magnifying glass and offer up our shortcomings as if they are all important. I do it too. Much less than I used to, but it’s a default position for many of us, influenced by ‘what everyone else does’ and the media, we become cynical, negative and largely unhappy.

The good news is that it is fairly easy to turn to the side of light. Look at what you did right, wallow in the fun, joyful, enjoyable moments of life (talk about how grateful you are), see all the things you’ve succeeded at through a magnifying glass and offer up your gifts and talents as if they are all important. Your choice. I can tell you though, that working for the Light side is WAY more fun!




