You Say "You're a Flake" Like it's a Bad Thing - Donna Higton - life coach and author
One of my friends was telling me recently that I am 'such a flake' - it wasn't meant as a compliment apparently! Is that anything like you? You get really super enthused about an idea, follow it a little, then get bored/find out it's not for you/lose interest. Ten minutes later you have another marvelous idea which follows the same pattern. Another hare-brained scheme. Another uncompleted idea. Another "failure". And this is a problem why? If it was not for creative, entreprenurial, mercurial, tenacious, stubborn, flighty, flaky people, we would all still be sitting in the dark on a stone floor with no entertainment. Yes, yes, the ability to follow an idea through to completion is good, and if you are one of those lucky folk who knows from the age of 15 what you wish to do with the next 80 years of your life, good for you. But for the rest of us, being flaky is no bad thing. It is fun. It means that we become very courageous - always trying new things. It builds our confidence. It leads us down paths that many people who stay on the signposted path fail to find. It brings us joy. It makes us interesting. It opens our minds. It broadens our horizons. It potentially brings us to our 'one path' (not that I believe in that, but that's another blog for another day!). Most great inventors will have had friends and family who poo-poo'd their ideas, told them they were wasting their time and should get 'a proper job' and stop trying to invent nuts-o things like light bulbs and tv and blogs. Thankfully they didn't listen. And nor shall I! My friend, I love you and I really don't care that you think I'm a flake - I just want you to realise that it is a GOOD thing! Love Donna.x PS this week is your last chance to take advantage of theSeptember Special Offer