7 Spiritual Laws of Success

It’s a while since I’ve done a recommendation, but this book (and the DVD that I got last week) has prompted (or synchronistically coincided with…) quite a shift for me. The link I’ve put here is for a little pocketbook version – there may be fuller versions if you like lots of information. I must admit that when I received it about 2 years ago, I did think ‘is that it’ because it was small. I read it, pondered, put it on my bookshelf and forgot all about it.

And then a few weeks ago, I was reminded of one of the 7 spiritual laws and I pulled the book out again for another look. This go around it is profoundly affecting me, so much so that I went and ordered the DVD, and I am actually practicing the actions they suggest for each ‘law’. It is worth remembering that sometimes the ‘when’ you read is just as important as the ‘what’ you read. So if you’re struggling through a book, consider putting it aside for awhile until you feel called to try again. You may find, as I did, that something which seemed a bit ‘ho hum’ is actually wonderful and helps you to shift to a new level in your life.

Right, off to practice ‘the law of detachment’ (I always had trouble with this one!).





