Obstaclue Busting book
What’s getting in the way of you living the life you want? Is it time for you to do some Obstacle Busting? We all come up against so many obstacles in our lives – from self-doubt to impatience, from getting stuck to having no time, from negativity to fear. These obstacles can stop you in your tracks, making you feel that you’re not cut out for making your dreams come true or achieving your goals.

Beach Cards Guidance Cards

The Beach Guidance Cards are a daily touchstone to remind you of what you already know – to take care of yourself, to make joy a priority in your life, to take the actions you need to take to make your dreams come true. Give yourself daily reminders to enjoy your life, to let your soul sing.

Create a Life Worth Falling In Love With E-Workshop

Are you tired of being stuck in the same old life? Are you wondering if there is more to life than this? Are you sick of the life you have getting in the way of the life you want? Check out the E-Workshop here and Create a Life Worth Falling in Love With.

Fall In Love With Life Book
This is your one and only life – are you fully, deeply, completely head over heels in love with it, or are you wondering what happened to your dreams, your joy and your mojo? No matter what’s happening in your life, you can start to fall in love with it right now, even if it’s not perfect, even if you want to change everything about it, you can still dance joyfully through life.
For more information and to buy, click here.

The Dreams To Reality Journal
Make your dreams a reality with the help of this beautiful digital journal, filled with colour and questions to help you get super clear what you want, brainstorm actions and find and eliminate obstacles in your way. Your Big Dream is waiting for you – it’s time to make it happen. The Dreams to Reality journal will gently and colourfully guide you to tap into the magic of your Big Dream and take action, inexorably…until your Big Dream is living and breathing and your LIFE! For more information and to buy, click here.

Please note, this book is currently undergoing a makeover, update and *NEW* chapters! So it is not currently for sale anywhere – please make sure you’re on my list to be notified when it’s ready). To read an excerpt or get more detail, click here.
I’m in the editing phase of my third book right now – people on my list will be the first to know when it’s done, so make sure you’re signed up!