7 Weeks To Christmas!

PressieI’m sorry, I mentioned the C word…but it really is only 7 weeks away…how did that happen? I am normally one of these people who ignores the fact that Christmas is coming until about the 11th December (just after my birthday!), but this year I have been a little bit more organised and started getting pressies as early as September.

And I have been super organised in coming up with some fabulous special offers to lead us up to Christmas too. I’m calling it ‘the 6 weeks of Christmas’ and it starts next Monday. This is your early warning – starting on Monday 14th December there will be a special offer every week up to Christmas (and here’s a top tip – the biggest savings are in the first two weeks!). So if you have been considering getting help to move your dreams into reality and live with purpose, passion and joy…this could be a really great time to go for it and finish off this year with a flourish!

