Put your health first

I’ve thought a lot about health in the last year.

Having had an MS relapse and burnout, it’s been foremost in my thoughts.

So I wanted to say to you:

Put your health first.

I know some of you have health issues that mean you have to be mindful of your health, and many of you will be run down, exhausted and worn out by life. Some of you will be feeling ok healthwise.

But is feeling ok the best you can feel?

Would you rather be able to just get through each day or bound through with energy and joy?

Would you rather be in a fog of tiredness all the time or wide awake and loving life?

Would you rather be overwhelmed by the smallest things in life or taking it all in your stride?

When you’re in the former place, the latter feels a million miles away, I know this. I feel it right now in fact.

But I also know for sure it’s not as far away or as difficult to reach as you think.

If you make your health (and feeling good) more of a priority than you do now, it will improve.

Perhaps you’re ignoring minor symptoms because you’re just too busy? (I did, I ended up burned out and with the worst MS relapse I’ve ever had.)

Perhaps your health just isn’t enough of a priority?

Please don’t wait until your body kicks your knees out from under you and forces you to re-evaluate. (I did, it’s not an experience I care to repeat.)

Put your health higher on the priority list.

Give yourself what you need to feel good – healthy and full of life. No excuses, no ‘I’m too busy’s.

Your health has to come first, because when it goes, it takes everything else with it – relationships, dreams, career, finances, social life, even your level of joy and parts of your personality will go if you get really sick.

Please don’t do what I did and ignore those little whispers from your body until they become screams. Put your health first today.

And let me know, what are you doing today to put your health first?

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