Do you work on your feel-good foundations?

I’ve been thinking about how much you work on your feel-good foundations.

I check in most days with my foundations to keep an eye on them.

I have daily practices that support my self-care, joy, energy, and self-love.

But deliberately working on them?

Not really.

I need a challenge (like Joy Challenge every April) to remind me to focus on one or all of them.

Or I need the foundation to be so bad that I can’t coast along at a good to OK level anymore.

How about you?

Do you regularly, deliberately, intentionally, and consistently work on your self-care, joy, energy, and self-love?

I don’t mean your regular habits – good habits are great, but I’m talking about always looking to make the foundations better…and taking the time to do so.

If not, there’s no need for self-flagellation.

You’re in good company.

And life’s busy.

We only have so much time and space available.

So why not accept a challenge for the next week to deliberately work on your highest or lowest scoring foundation?

Here’s how to do the check in:

Take 3 deep breaths into your heart and ask your heart how cared for you feel on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ‘not at all’ and 10 is ‘cradled in the arms of love’?

Next ask how much are you enjoying life on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ‘I’m not’ and 10 is ‘I love life’?

Next, how energised are you feeling on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ‘I could lie face down on the floor and stay there’ and 10 is ‘I’m like Tigger’?

And lastly, how loved are you feeling (by yourself) on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ‘I don’t’ and 10 is ‘I am cherish, adore and treasure myself’?

Next, decide which you will work on over the next week – the highest scoring, the lowest scoring, or whichever you want to work on.

And every day, do something simple and easy to support that foundation…you don’t need to go mad, it’s better to do a little every day than to make it so hard that you don’t do it at all.

I’d love to hear from you – which feel-good foundation will you be working on?


