Choose to be Happy Anyway

Here’s a choice for you:

You have a flat tyre.

You can either be pissed off and have a flat tyre, or you can be happy and have a flat tyre.

Either way, you still have a flat tyre.

Which will you choose? If you decide to choose to be pissed off, what will you do? For example, you could complain about it, tell yourself how blasted inconvenient it is in every way, pout, cry, you could even stamp your feet.

How about if you decide to be happy? What will you do then? for example, you could look for the funny side, you could smile (or even beam), you could take the opportunity to show your skills at changing tyres, you could call a good friend to help and spend time with them laughing, you could flirt with the guy at the garage, you could experience the kindness of strangers.

Either way, you still had a flat tyre, but one is more fun, more enjoyable, and allows you to be cheerful.

By the way, this applies to other things than flat tyres.








One response to “Choose to be Happy Anyway”

  1. Karen J avatar

    Oh, Brilliant! and oh so True!!! 🙂