Put Yourself First For Christmas

The silly season is upon us. Everywhere I look I see stressed out people with too much on their minds. Shopping, money, parties, work, and trying to fit in a life amid the business of having a perfect Christmas. But the funny thing is that if you stop and think about it, the best Christmases aren’t about the pressies, the decs, the perfect meal, cramming in as many parties and mince pies as possible.

The best Christmases are about having a laugh, enjoying yourself, having the time to spend with the people who matter to you, and the energy to enjoy their company. And that last one is the key – if you wear yourself out in the run up to Christmas, you will miss out…and your friends and family will miss out on you. (which, believe it or not, would be worse than a forgotten mince pie, tinsel decoration or present)

Think for a moment about taking care of yourself for Christmas – you can say no to things you don’t have time or energy for, you can leave the decorations at ‘well enough’ instead of perfect, and you can enjoy the festive season…if you put at the top of your Christmas to do list “Put myself first.” It might sound ‘selfish’, but personally think it’s more selfish if you run around like a headless chicken, ignoring those around you and falling ill so they have to look after you on Christmas Day!

Trust me, your friends and family will love it if you are full of festive fun. They’d much rather see that than see you stressed out and sick!




