Aiming High, Aiming Low

I came across this quote recently “the problem for most of us isn’t that we aim too high and miss, it’s that we aim too low and reach it”. Many people are afraid to dream big because they feel they will be disappointed if they miss their goal. And yes, there can be lots of disappointment when you’re going after something big. Often it feels like your dream is still a thousand miles away, and sometimes you wonder if you are ever going to make it.

But there is also a great deal of joy in going for something big and exciting. It is a lot of fun to go for your dreams. There is enthusiasm, passion, laughter, adventure, growth, connection with people you never would have met otherwise, learning you would never have had otherwise. You often find out how much you don’t know about the journey you’ve embarked on…and then you get what you need to know!

If you don’t even bother aiming for something big, life is a drudge, a series of small disappointments that add up to a life of quiet despair. Now, call me picky, but I would much rather have the chance of failure than the certainty of misery and feeling like a failure anyway for not going for it. And remember that your big dream is just that – YOURS. It doesn’t have to be what someone else would think is ‘big’…it’s just what you want for your life when you start to dream big.

So, if you were going to just think about dreaming big, what big dreams might you have? leave me a comment or contact me and let me know. You don’t have to go after that big dream, but you might want to!







4 responses to “Aiming High, Aiming Low”

  1. Donna avatar

    And you are a marvelous example of someone who GOT their big dream!!! xxx

  2. Joe avatar

    My dream is to live and work in sunny Mexico… oh, and to get a 6-pack (and not just of Mexican beers!) 🙂 x

  3. Donna avatar

    YES! Go girl! x

  4. Alexis avatar

    Here is my big dream!:

    To live and work a fantastic life in BERLIN!!