Following Your Intuition Is Always Right, Especially When It Makes No Sense

<big>I had followed my intution a few times in my life, but the time it became really obvious that my intuitive guidance was “right” was when I made the decision to go to Australia about 10 years ago. Up until the day I decided to go, I’d NEVER wanted to do any such mad thing – I mean, how many shoes can you get in a backpack anyway?

Understandably, all my friends were baffled and worried. Some of them told me I was mad, some tried to talk me out of it – pointing out that I usually manage to lose cinema tickets between the kiosk and the screening room (and excellent point!). I ignored all of it, only able to explain with “I know it’s the right thing to do.”

Did I ever have regrets? A couple of times – usually when I was tired, broke, lonely and being kept awake by other backpackers “getting busy”. Shudder. But apart from those very few moments, this illogical, out of character, strange decision was the best one I ever made. And now, if I ever get intuitive guidance that doesn’t appear to make sense, I pay a lot of attention!

Following that intuitive guidance brings you confidence in yourself, even when it doesn’t ‘work’ like you think it should, the very fact that you trusted yourself enough to take action gives you confidence. It can bring you adventure, fun, joy, love, sunsets over distant oceans, but most of all it brings you LIFE because your intuition will take you where you want to be, it will challenge you (gently if you ask it to!), and it will stretch you…which will make you feel alive.

So, what’s your intution telling you right now?








2 responses to “Following Your Intuition Is Always Right, Especially When It Makes No Sense”

  1. Donna avatar

    Woohoo! That’s it, you go Poet girl! xxx

  2. Sandra avatar

    I love it Donna!! It makes completely sense to follow your intuition even if it seems strange and others don’t agree. My intution: Being a poet and go for it :))

    love you!!