The Source of Disatisfaction

I received this in a newsletter from Chris Guillebeau of the art of non-conformity “Dissatisfaction comes about from wanting something different but not being willing to take action toward achieving it.” Or as my teacher, Carole Dore, puts it “if you’re are paying attention to the sprouts (the ideas, the signs, the creative urges) and taking action, you won’t have time to wonder where your desires are”. So does this resonate with you?

When you are feeling dissatisfied, what do you do? Do you get sad, bemoan your ‘bad luck’, feel the frustration, wonder why you bother, sulk? Or do you use your dissatisfaction to remind you what you want, focus on it and take action? Which do you think will get you further toward the life you want?

When you are feeling frustrated, dissatisfied, disappointed and fed up in general with life, it is easy to get taken over by that frustration, especially if you are surrounded by other people who are doing the same thing. But it is more helpful to change the way you deal with that dissatisfaction – use it as a spur to move you forward, not keep you stuck or even send you backwards. How? Simple: as soon as you notice that you are wanting something ‘different’, decide what it is you want; pay attention to the ideas that come to you and take action; repeat.

Simple, not always easy, but simple. And if you do it, the chances of you getting what you want are 1000x higher. You will also lose the feeling of dissatisfaction because you are working towards what you want. So what is it that you want, and what are you going to do today to move a step closer to it? Leave me a comment and let me know!




