You’d Think I’d Know Better

Despite knowing that I get my worst and least work done when I am feeling uninspired, still I find myself forcing myself to sit at my desk and ‘get on with it’. Instead of getting up, stretching, playing with the dog, dancing, singing, laughing, getting some fresh air, blowing bubbles, bouncing on the trampoline or doing just about anything else to wake me up, energise me, make myself feel more inspired and up for it, I was sat at my desk, my head getting lower and lower to the surface, my brain atrophying, my energy ebbing away, my creativity hidden under a fog of indifference.

You can imagine that my output was legendary in that state! Sheesh. The good news is that it takes so little time to turn it around. A change of playlist, a quick dance (my big sister showed me a new dance today – it’s completely hilarious, energising and ridiculous. Love it.), moving my keyboard and straightening my back and a new blog post is born! It’s really very simple when you think about it. When your energy is really low, re-energise, THEN ‘get on with it’. We manage this with our cars – if the petrol indicator is low, we fill up. Every time.

But when it come to ourselves, we seem to believe that we should be able to run on fresh air and will power alone. It’s nuts. Stop the insanity – next time you are feeling uninspired, take a moment to re-vitalise yourself in whatever way works for you. Then when you get back to work, you’ll be 1000 times more productive than you will if you don’t re-fuel.




