Ask Donna – My Life Sucks – a Big Dream Feels Like an Impossible Dream

Q: My life sucks. My life is really terrible. Everything is going wrong…everything’s been wrong for a while, and it’s really bad. There’s nothing good going on in my life at all. And this ‘big dream’ stuff seems like an impossible dream to me. – Anonymous

When life is that bad, things can only get better. And often these times are the greatest catalysts for change that lead you to a much better place. I am a big believer that life happens for you, not to you…so there is a gift in this situation for you, even if you can’t see it yet. Don’t worry about the ‘impossible dream’ just now…but know that underneath the surface, it is bubbling away nicely.

The 3 Pillars – self-care, energy and joy. Here’s a link to the blog I wrote about this: Even though life isn’t perfect (or even any good), enjoy it anyway. Have fun anyway. And when you start to take care of yourself, re-energise yourself and enjoy life anyway…life stops being so rubbish and you can get on with having a wonderful life!

Happy Friday!

