OnTheBeach: What is Your Big Dream?

What is your Big Dream? What do you really want for your life? What do you daydream about? What are your heart and soul whispering to you? What is it that makes your eyes go round and your mind whisper “I could have THAT, I could do that? Really? Wow”. What’s your Big Dream?

What is Your Big Dream

Clarity about your Big Dream is magical…when you are really clear about your destination, it is much easier to get there. Some Big Dreams are very exact, for example “Write a Book”, “Travel the World”, “Start a Business”. Others are a little more general “Create a life I love”, “Live Creatively”, “Live Adventurously”, “Have the freedom to follow my inspiration wherever it may lead” (that last one is mine). It doesn’t matter how exact or general
your Big Dream is, what matters is that you acknowledge it, admit it, claim it.

Big Dreams, by their very definition, are scary. They’re BIG. They require us to stretch and grow and get out of our comfort zone. They require us to get over our shit. They require us to be vulnerable and courageous. They require us to risk failure – often more than once. They ask a lot of us. They ask us to be all of who we are capable of being, and more than we know we are capable of. They demand that we realise our own light, our own brilliance, out

Because they demand so much, and sometimes we just cannot believe it’s possible to have what we want, we dismiss them as ‘just a daydream’ (no such thing, by the way, I’ll talk about that another time!), or believe WE can’t do that. But that Dream doesn’t go away you know…it stays, whispering to you, begging you to hear it, to acknowledge it, asking you to believe in it. To believe in you. You see, that Big Dream chose YOU. Our Big Dreams come from a Divine call, whatever your definition of that divinity is. They are inspired, they are soul-calls, they are not going to go away just because you ignore them!

They believe in you. And they will keep whispering in the silence of your heart and soul, if only you will take some time to hear them. To acknowledge them, even though you are scared, even though you don’t believe in yourself fully, even though you don’t know if you can…hear your Big Dreams anyway. Give them a chance to inspire you, to help you grow and change and discover your gifts and talents and brilliance (trust me, you have gifts and talents and
brilliance in abundance).

What is your Big Dream? What do you really want for your life? What do you daydream about? What are your heart and soul whispering to you? What is it that makes your eyes go round and your mind whisper “I could have THAT, I could do that? Really? Wow”. What’s your Big Dream?

You may not know exactly what you want from life yet – and that’s ok too. Once you open up, once you start to listen, once you start exploring, your Big Dream will reveal itself to you. And you may realise that you knew all along – for example I always knew I wanted to write and have my own business, I just didn’t know how I could possibly do that. Once I let go of the idea of being a traditional fiction ‘author’ (although that’s still in there, whispering!), I discovered how that looks and works for me right now. It will change, Dreams do that!

This month’s Daily Practice: Listen to Your Soul will help you discover your Dream, or progress your Dream if you know it already. And of course, once your Big Dream starts to become clear, the Dreams to Reality journal stands ready to help you get it moving, inexorably and inevitably into reality. Making a Big Dream come true is a joyful journey of discovery, with highs and lows and joys and sorrows and terrors and dances…and it starts with knowing what your Big Dream is.

– Something to Play With –

Answer the question: What is your Big Dream? Try not to censor yourself! Write down what you really want, not just what you think you might be able to have. And if you want more inspiration and musings on all things Big Dream, check out the Dreams To Reality Podcast. Let me know what your Big Dream is – leave me a comment below.



PS While moodling through the archives, I found this article Lies About Your Big Dream. If you haven’t already read it, it’s well worth a read!


10 responses to “OnTheBeach: What is Your Big Dream?”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Woohoo Leanne that sounds AWESOME! I have no doubt in my heart that you will be in Paris next year writing. *jumps up and down clapping excitedly for you* (Ronae’s dream is super impressive isn’t it?! So yours by the way :-D) x

  2. Leanne avatar

    Wow I’m impressed with Ronae’s dream, especially as she’s making it happen!

    I have so many dreams but my big one for now is to go on a writing retreat to Paris next year with the Australian Writers Centre. I read about it last week and something inside me went CLICK – I knew I had to make it happen.

    But then all the ‘yes buts’ kicked in. I ignored them! I’m going to Paris to be a writer for 17 days in 2014, somehow, someway 🙂

  3. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Hey Crystal – yes, it’s easy to get caught up in life and forget to slow down and check in…but it’s well worth doing! Enjoy your slow-down and check in. xx

  4. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Thanks Amy – that’s a great idea to focus on it before you get up. x

  5. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Good for you Tia – sounds like an awesome BIG dream! And you’re so right that continuous positive input is vital. xx

  6. Crystal avatar

    Hi Donna,

    I need to slow down to really listen for my dream. I believe that what I am now pursuing came from a deep place of Yes!, but I haven’t checked back into that place in a while to confirm. And yes, there are other whispers and nudges in me, too. Dreaming is fun!


  7. Amy avatar

    Wonderful post! I love dreaming big! Once I have clarity on my big dream, I focus on it every morning before I get out of bed, it helps maintain my clarity and guide me on choosing the activities that will get me there. Sending Goddess Love… XO-Amy

  8. Tia avatar

    I love that you’re asking ‘What is your BIG dream?’. I have a lot of dreams but right now my BIG dream is to build my blog following to 5000 in 2013 and from there monetize my art and products.

    I couldn’t agree more that knowing what you want to acheive makes it much easier to actually get there:) I also believe that continuous positive input such as this post are important ingredients.

    Thank you for your wisdom. xoxo

  9. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    That’s awesome Ronae! Good for you! Yeah, my attitude to that is that it’s ‘too late’ when you’re dead. Before that, there’s time! 😀 Good luck with med school Dr Jull! xxx

  10. Ronae Jull avatar
    Ronae Jull

    What a marvelous post! I’m amazed at how many women I’ve met recently who seem to believe that once they hit their 40s or 50s, its all downhill… that its too late to pursue their BIG DREAM. Not true! I’m in my 50s, have a successful business, and will be attending medical school this fall (yes, I’m gonna be a doc!). Its NEVER too late!