5 Reasons To Sign Up For the Amazing Biz And Life Academy

You may have heard me talk about the Amazing Biz and Life Academy before. It’s the brain-baby of the wonderful Leonie Dawson – a Goddess whose fun, uplifting approach to life and business had me captivated from the first moment I saw her. She’s funny, silly, makes up words, swears like a trooper and she’s a great teacher. The reason I’m blogging about this right now is because the price is more than doubling on October 1st.

Academy-250x250Academy membership is currently $199 for the year (and you keep the price you signed up at for as long as you stay a member)…and it’s going up in 6 days to $499. So if you’ve ever thought about becoming a member, now’s the time!

I decided to jump in the last time the price rose (last year) and I haven’t regretted it for a second. Here’s 5 reasons I LOVE this life and biz academy:

1. The community. Oh my, the community are AWESOME! It’s chock full of lovely people with delicious visions for their lives. They’re interesting, funny, generous and gorgeous! When I need a boost, I go hang out in the academy with the peeps there and always come away happier. I’ve met some lovely friends, some amazingly helpful advisors, found blogs I follow religiously, laughed, been inspired, been humbled by their generosity and brilliance. Seriously, if you like Leonie, you’ll love the community she created. And as an introvert self-employed biz bod, I need me some community!

2. The material you get. Oh my, when you first join the academy, it’s overwhelming the amount of stuff you get access to – the biz goddess course, the creative goddess course, the goddess haven course, the radiant goddess course, 6-figure team course…etc plus meditations, ebooks, posters, workbooks to make your biz and life amazing this year. There’s a TON of stuff. And it’s good stuff too. I’ve done about 20 business courses since I started my biz in 2004 and this is one of the best, and easily the one that made me laugh the most! For $199, the value is INCREDIBLE.

3. The material you’re going to get. Leonie is a creation machine. She creates stuff all the time, and she pours it all into the Academy. Coming soon – the Abundant Goddess – I’m looking forward to hearing what Leonie (half a million dollar + earning, living in tropical paradise, working 3 hours a day Leonie) has to say about this!

4. Extras – this summer Leonie did a couple of Q&A calls, chock full of answers to Academy members questions – and chock full of GREAT stuff. I listened to them twice…and will listen again, because they’re great, and Leonie cracks me up. (seriously, it’s great to have a teacher/coach/mentor who doesn’t take themselves seriously!)

5. Leonie herself. Hey listen if you’ve checked out Leonie’s stuff before and she’s not for you, that’s cool. But if you like her, and you like what she has to say, there’s so much more of it in the Academy – she’s generous, funny, lovely and so giving. I seriously cannot believe the value she gives for just $199 – other programs I have seen with LESS content are charging thousands. This woman is different – she’s for people who are sick of all that boring, serious advice about living life, and want to be inspired by fun, glorious, gorgeous, wildly creative souls.

So there you have it, have I talked you into it? If so, go now and sign up! And do come and say hi in the community too!




