Eat Sleep Work Repeat

I’m starting to adjust to the winter routine, which goes kinda like this: get up, morning routine, walk dog (wish I had thermals), work, teatime routine, walk dog (decide to do some online shopping for thermals), get in the house, disappear under blankets and refuse to leave the house again. Repeat.

I was talking to a neighbour about this “Eat, sleep, work, repeat” pattern, which seems so much worse in Winter. I think because you get home and it’s dark and cold and you don’t want to go back out into the world. The shrinking of the ‘light-time’ hours seems to also shrink the possibilities and choices in life.

So in case you have a case of the winter/hamster-wheel blues, here are a few tips to help you:

1. Lighten up.

In every way you can, lighten up. Get a light box. If the sun is shining, put your face in the sun for 10 minutes if you can (even from indoors this helps – like a cat sleeping in the patch of sun on the furniture). Lighten up your attitude – just because it’s winter, don’t forget to laugh and have fun and be light-hearted and play.

2. Warm up.

I’m shopping for thermals as soon as I’ve done this because taking an hour to thaw out after walking the dog is not fun! There is great comfort to be had from lighting the fire, taking your hot water bottle to bed, using a hand warmer. If you’re feeling the cold deep in your bones, get yourself a hot stone massage…it’s deliciously warming, and one of my ‘winter treats’ (that I also do other times of year, but more often in winter).

3. Move your body

There is such a temptation in winter to hibernate, eat carbs and sweets and just veg out. And although that can be fun too…don’t let yourself atrophy. As soon as the weather turned cold, I found myself tired, lacking energy and lacking motivation to do a damn thing.

Luckily this month’s practice in the Fall in Love With Life group is “Dance” which has encouraged me to get off my backside and move my body. And do you know what? When I do, I feel good, I feel energised, I feel happy. So resist the temptation to descend into lethargy and find a way to move…even if it’s only for a few minutes a day.

4. Embrace winter

Having said the above about movement, there is no doubt that winter is the season for turning in, for resting, for hibernating, for taking the time to pause. So embrace it as much as you can. Find the good things about winter and purposely enjoy them. And remember to be exceedingly grateful for stout walls, double glazing and central heating.

5. Self-care

Especially over the holiday season, our self-care can take a battering in winter. I often think that seasonal colds are the body’s way of saying ‘slow down, rest, support your immune system’. So make sure you’re taking time to listen to your body – what is it saying to you? What does it need from you?

And don’t forget your mind, your heart and your spirit too – check in with mind, heart and soul – what do they need? What are they saying? (If you want some ideas and support for your self-care, it is the December daily practice in the Fall in Love With Life Group – come join us.)

6. Hibernation, not isolation

I’ve said before, I am convinced I was a bear in a previous life – as soon as it gets cold, I want to hibernate! BUT I also know that if I become a hermit, this is bad for my mental and emotional health. It’s an effort in winter, but I make sure I am still seeing friends (often in places with roaring fires) regularly.

There is a nice balance between honouring the energy of the season and scaling back your going out time, and isolating yourself. If you do the latter, you’ll find it harder and harder to get out, and it can have a dark effect on your mental and emotional health. I certainly know that often when I’ve had meltdowns, lack of friend-time has been a factor!

7. Do what brings you (wintry) joy

Take the time you’re not out and about ‘doing’ and curl up with a book. Go to bed early, get up late. Sit and chat around the fire with friends and family. If you like them, do jigsaws and puzzles, play games or get your crafty stuff out. Find your joy in winter. Is it fairy lights and friends? Netflix and pizza? Books and chocolate?

What brings you joy in winter may be different to what you love to do the rest of the year. So find those things that bring you joy in the cold, dark months and be sure to take the time to do them.

We can all get into the cycle of “eat, sleep, work, repeat” but a few small changes can help you step off the hamster wheel and enjoy your life a little more.​ Let me know which of these tips hits the spot most for you…and what you’re going to do differently now.

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