what is self-love

What is Self-Love anyway?

Happy Valentine’s Day. Are you surrounded by bears and chocolate and flowers for Valentine’s Day or are you ignoring it completely?

As a single woman, I don’t take a lot of notice of Valentine’s Day, but as a coach, Valentine’s Day always strikes me as a great time to think about Self-Love.

Yes it is lovely to have others’ affirm your lovability in flower and chocolate form, but there is also an opportunity here to affirm your own lovability and love yourself, treat yourself, be kind to yourself.

This year, I’m working on my third book, which is about the foundations of life (according to me) – self-care, joy, energy and self-love. When I started thinking about this book last year, I was worried that I wouldn’t have much to say about self-love.

But then I started to realise how much it encompasses.

Self-acceptance, self-approval, kindness to self, self-worth, self-confidence, seeing your magnificence, appreciating yourself, motivating yourself, encouraging yourself, building yourself up (rather than tearing yourself down), loving your inner child (in fact, loving all of you, even the not-so-nice bits), being gentle with yourself, cherishing yourself, adoring yourself, trusting yourself, treasuring yourself, supporting yourself; being your own biggest cheerleader, best friend and most attentive lover.

And more! Now I’m kinda worried that the self-love section will take over the whole book.

Anyhoo, I’m curious, what does self-love mean to you?

And do you do those things? Are you loving to yourself, kind to yourself, motivating, encouraging, do you build yourself up?

This week, take the profusion of red hearts as a reminder to send a little love your own way.

Be to yourself what you want your greatest love to be to you.

Romance yourself. Treat yourself. Love yourself.

Pick one of the aspects of self-love above and practice it. For bonus points, pick more than one.

Ask yourself what loving thing you can do for yourself today (this could be a daily question you ask).

And if you’d like to keep the self-love practice up for the whole of February, come and join us in the Fall in Love With Life group.

PS extra bonus points go to anyone who recognises the song from the title of this article (I’ve changed it a little bit!).



