Ask Donna: My Big Dream Keeps Changing

Q My big dream keeps changing – it started as one thing, then I changed my mind, then I didn’t like the next thing I did, then it was something else and something else – I can’t seem to settle to anything. I feel like a failure. – Jen

This can happen for several reasons:
1. Because the dreams are not our own – they come from peers and family.
2. Because we are in the experimentation phase, and trying all sorts of things to find the fit for us.
3. Because we are just looking at the surface – whims rather than deep desires.
4. Because we change and grow and become someone who can dream bigger.
5. Because we outgrow that dream, or realise it is not for us.
There is no failure, there is only feedback, so what is the feedback you’re getting from your experiments so far? Do you recognise any of the reasons above? Do you need help to get to your big dream? If you’re interested in coaching with me, come to for more information about my coaching packages.

And if you are kind of ‘flaky’, here’s a link to a blog I wrote about flakiness:

If you have a question about making your Big Dream a reality, please get in touch.

