August Daily Practice Wrap Up: Farting Around

Image credit: Clarita on Morguefile
So how have you got on with this month’s practice of Farting Around? Have you struggled to Fart Around? Have you embraced the practice wholeheartedly, Farting Around with wild abandon? I have been mixed with this practice – some days I’ve been happy to Fart Around with ease…and some days I’ve been glad of the daily reminders from myself to prompt me to Fart Around.

I did think for a while that the world was conspiring for me to Fart Around – there was the Olympics (ideal excuse to Fart Around!), then my Dad was in hospital (Farting Around was all I had the brain space for!), then my neighbour was on holiday and I was watering her plants…and playing on the trampoline!

I also had days where I had a ‘ta-dah’ list longer than my leg…and had no time for Farting Around. But what has really stuck with me is the phrase “Take life unseriously”…whenever I feel myself getting a bit serious, I remember this and take a moment to Fart Around! Another good practice to continue in the coming months methinks!

I’d love to know how you got on with this practice – leave me a comment and let me know.




