Back from my Jollies

Hi all! How’s it going? I am slowly getting back into the swing of things following my holidays. I find it very difficult to dive straight back into work following a holiday as my energy has slowed down to a snail’s pace. Nowadays I don’t really try, I just ease back in as slowly as I need to. Today I cleared my desk and started to get a bit more work based forward momentum so I’ll be back blogging this week…hopefully!

My least favourite thing coming back from holiday is the change in temperature – I very quickly got used to 32 degrees, but I’ve found it more challenging to get used to 8 degrees and under. Brrrrrrr. And my most favourite thing is how relaxed and laid-back I am! Our chilled out qualities sometimes get lost in a world of work, rush, busyness and stress so it’s good to wind down and remind ourselves that easy-going is the way forward!

Would love to hear your favourite things about coming back from holidays. Leave me a comment.







One response to “Back from my Jollies”

  1. Ande Waggener avatar
    Ande Waggener

    Welcome home! Where did you go for your holiday?

    I used to DREAD coming home from vacation, but now that I live where I want to live (in a place where many people COME to vacation), I enjoy coming home. Even so, it can be tricky getting back into the swing of work. I do as you’re doing … just ease into it. I find that works best for pretty much every part of my life. I used to make myself plow in full speed, but more often than not, I’d plow into an invisible brick wall when I did that.

    Now I gently do a little of this and a little of that, and I let the energy build as it wants to. This way my spirit doesn’t get those bloody noses from hitting the wall. 😉