advice for writing your book

My Best Advice For Writing Your Book

A friend asked me for advice about writing her book. This was it:

Start writing.

Keep writing.

Stop when you’re finished.

I know that sounds a little basic, but it’s the best advice I have for you.


You can’t write a book unless you start.

So start.

Don’t wait to be ready (you’re never ready).

Don’t wait to feel like a writer (that’ll come when you’re writing…or not…who cares, you’re writing).

Don’t wait until summer/winter/you have more time/a good time. It’ll never come.

Just start.



Open a document and put some words in it.

Get a piece of paper and write on it.


Then keep showing up and writing until you’re done.

Start writing 2

Is it really that simple?


Show up to write.

Over and over and over and over again.

You don’t have time?

No one does.

How long do you think you need?

Hours? Days? Weeks? Months?

No one has that kind of time.

So just show up to write with the time you have.

If you have half an hour, show up for that half an hour.

If you have 10 minutes, grab a pen and a notebook and make notes about your book for 10 minutes.

When you TAKE the time for your book, you’ll find more time for your book.

And sometimes you won’t because life will get in the way.

You will hit obstacles.

You will uncover fears.

You will feel blocked.

You will have days when you don’t know what to write.

It will challenge you.

It will shine a light on self-doubt.

It will be hard some days.

Show up anyway.

Write anyway.


Keep writing.

Stop when you’re done.

And if you need more help than ‘start’ then book a free creative catalyst session with me – we’ll find out what’s blocking you and get you moving…once you’re started, it’s easier to keep going.

Love Donna Blue 300px

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One response to “My Best Advice For Writing Your Book”

  1. Jason Bowers avatar
    Jason Bowers

    I agree. Just keep on writing. That’s really what you need to focus on.