11 Steps To Business Awesomeness

This month, May 2015 is my 11th Biz Birthday! Woohoo. So I decided I would have a blog party to celebrate and invite some of my favourite biz buddies to share what they’ve learned from being in biz for many, many years. We kick off today with my fabulous friend, coach and one of my favourite people on the planet, Stacy Nelson of StacyNelsonUnlimited.com

1. The Dishes can wait. So can the vacuuming and the bed making and chores. Chores in general can wait.

When I started working from home 14 years ago, I’d get easily distracted by the dishes in the sink. I mean I had the flexibility to do them whenever I wanted to so why not now?

So I found a magical trick… I’d hide them in the oven instead of leaving them in the sink.

See here’s the thing – in the beginning I had to remind myself that my work hours were sacred. I had so few to work with that I had to really allow myself to be in it 100%.

Those early years of training myself have me freedom to do dishes anytime I wanted later on. I trust that I will now do what I need to do because honestly, I do a whole lot less now which leads to #2…

2. Do Less.

Just because you’re an entrepreneur doesn’t mean you need to be glued to your laptop 24/7. I hung out with a group of successful entrepreneurs the other day who were addicted to optimizing their time and productivity and had these great badges that said ‘look how busy I am’ and yeah, I’m often working at midnight.

That’s bullshit.

On your grave it can say “She made a HUGE difference in the world” or “She was certainly busy.”

3. In fact, Aim for only ONE thing a day.

Not one big hairy audacious thing but one task. Not “create a client” but “connect with so-and-so today and invite them in to talk”. And if there’s still time in the day, do the next ONE thing. Make sure that each one thing is the MOST important thing you could be doing towards getting what it is you really want.

What do you really want? Do one thing towards THAT, the one thing that will DIRECTLY impact you creating it or not. Often times it’s about creating the income you deserve…

4. Don’t be afraid of the money conversation.

Listen – stop saying it’s not all about the money. We all get it. There’s a total satisfaction for doing what we love. We gain SO much more in the richness of our life when we’re living into our purpose.

And if you make it 100% not about the money, then you’re doing one hell of a job volunteering for the universe rather than being in business.

Yeah the money will come.
But only if you’re willing to ask for it.
Sorry – there is no magical money fairy that pauses and says ‘hey, you’re working really hard and you want this a lot so I’ll just make an anonymous donation into your bank account’.

Business is about the passion and the love and the spirit AND the money…

5. Money isn’t shameful

They won’t like you less if you ask for a monetary exchange.
It’s a sign of deep love and respect for both sides of the exchange.
This one is important enough to be mentioned twice.
Money and business go hand in hand.
Even non-profits deal with money.
It’s a beautiful thing.
Don’t pretend that business is not about the money…

6. Stop Faking It.

You’re human.
Which means you’ve got human behavior and human flaws.
Flaunt them. Wear them proudly.
No one loves people who are perfect.
We may worship them and covet what they have, but when it comes right down to it, people want to relate to one another, person to person.

Stop pretending you’re perfect.
You’re actually not fooling anyone and it’s client-repulsive.
Be beautifully imperfect and stop being out of integrity with who you are.

7. Start where you are.

Don’t start where I am or where Oprah is. Start where you are.
Be honest about where you are.
If you aren’t making six figures don’t run a program teaching others to do it.
It doesn’t mean you don’t have something valid to share… where are you NOW and are there others who would like to be THERE with you.
When in doubt, go back up to #6 – stop faking it.
No one follows a faker.

8. Speak from your heart.

That’s it.
It’s simple.
Allow your brain to take a little mini-vacay when you speak, write, coach, do whatever kind of communication you need to do.
Forget the proper way to communicate.
What do you really want to say?
Come from that place.
Be loving.
Speak your truth not as judgment but as YOUR truth.

9. Love with abundance.

Love your challenges.
Love your victories.
Love your clients.
Love hearing people say no to you.
Love hearing people say yes to you.
Love what you do.
Love it all.

Love that sometimes you curse it all.

10. Which brings us to allowing the EBB and flow

You will have moments of flow, where everything comes together.
And then you will have moments of ebb, where everything falls apart.
Don’t fight it.
It’s a natural part of creating a business, writing a book, producing something awesome.
We have a natural rhythm to our life and body.
Honor it.

The ebb will come my dears, no matter what you do.
You can choose to fight it and push through and do all that forcing ick.
Or you can choose to allow it, to honor it, to luxuriate in the break it affords you.

The more you love the ebb, the faster it gets back into flow… beautiful abundant awesome flow.

11. Screw the formulas

Don’t follow other people’s footsteps.
Only YOU know the right path for you.
Experiment with different ways.
Play with what feels good.

Listen to those who have actually walked the path, not well meaning others.
Take really good suggestions to heart.
Then do your own things anyways.

No one knows your business like you do.
Only you know what your heart truly desires.

This is where people fail.
Because people think that following the external steps will lead to their success. We give our power to others by saying I will follow your steps to the tee.

Bull shit.
Success is an internal job.
Clear your inner path, trust your own voice, take steps to show that each and every day.

Photo-Stacy WoodStacy Nelson is the Founder of www.iCoachNetwork.com, an International circle of life coaches coming together to support and inspire each other on a daily basis. Stacy also publishes this monthly digital magazine for iCoach Network, highlighting the fabulous coaches within the network. Specifically she is a Coach & Trainer helping POWERFUL COACHES wanting to build their coaching practices by calling them into a deeper spiritual connection, to build a legacy with their business with more flow, less force, intuitively and slower… Less DO

More whole-self success

More mastery of their skills as a coach

More vulnerability

More connecting at deep levels

More purpose and meaning

More self trust…

To learn more about Stacy, click here.

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