Sharing What’s In Your Soul Cup

Last week, when I was finally recovering from my Migraine and able to watch and hear things without clutching my head and moaning, this video from Leonie Dawson was one of the first things I watched. In it, Leonie is talking about the first soul secret to business success. She is talking mainly about the ‘why’ behind what you do and wealth as a spiritual pursuit…but what really hit the spot for me was when Leonie talked about ending the day not having shared what’s in her soul cup.

This resonated on such a deep level for me. I felt the paradigm shift in me (love it when that happens) as I realised what was missing from my daily working life. You see, I’m so busy marketing and selling and doing admin and coaching and writing and recording videos and podcasts and having brilliant new ideas for products that I forget the purpose of all of this marketing and selling and doing admin and coaching and writing and recording videos and podcasts and having brilliant new ideas for products.

The purpose is to share what’s in my soul cup. To share the things that are inspiring and exciting me. To share the creative inspiration that runs through me on a daily basis. And hopefully, through my sharing, to help you to make your Big Dreams a reality, fall in love with your life and share what’s in YOUR soul cup. (ooh, can you feel the energy of that…clap, clap, clap, clap…loving it!)

It is all too easy to let life take over – to be a slave to your endless to-do list, to be focused on doing the right things for your work. But then there is nothing left for sharing what’s in your soul. And sharing what’s in your soul can be tough – it can feel like running naked through a town centre on a Saturday afternoon. It can be terrifying and leave you feeling horribly vulnerable. But terror and vulnerability are not so bad! Feeling as if there is something inside you that needs to be shared and being unable to do it, unable to get it, that sucks.

When you don’t feel like you’ve shared what’s yours to share, you end up being down on yourself, feeling worthless, feeling guilty that you’re not good enough, quick enough, dedicated enough, smart enough or hard-working enough. The irony is that it doesn’t take nearly as much time or hard-work as you think. Firstly, you need to get the communication going with your inner self, your soul, your wise self. Then as it starts to share with you, your soul will show you the way.

Here’s how I communicate with my inner self: I write the Morning Pages. Every day. I have done for the last 16 months. Morning pages is a practice recommended by Julia Cameron in The Artist’s Way. It is, simply, 3 pages of longhand writing about anything that is in your head – all the petty, whiny, stupid, pointless stuff that is blocking your creative flow. Every now and again, through the rambling, your inner self will shine through with some inspiration for you. It will show you what to do, where to go…and if you listen, you’ll find yourself sharing what’s in your soul cup!

Over the last year alone, I have launched the ‘beach cards’, the daily practice, podcasts, videos, a pinterest series called ‘the wisdom in you’ plus written numerous blogs and articles, and had ideas for more products and services than I’ll ever have time to produce and provide. And far from running out of ideas, I’ve found more and more ideas in my soul cup, clamouring to be shared. I had got to the point of thinking ‘why am I doing so much here’ and ‘I must be crazy’ (an opinion shared by more than a few people!)…but this idea from Leonie of the ‘Soul Cup’ has brought crystal clear clarity to what I am doing. I’m sharing my shizzle. It’s only when I make that a chore that we have a problem. When I just share what’s there, I have no shortage of material or ideas.

We all have stuff in our soul cup that we want to share – it’s why we’re here. Your path may not include writing or podcasting or videos. My mom shares what’s in her soul cup by being a nurse. Every person on the planet has their own way of sharing what’s in their soul cup. Wherever you are on your journey of sharing your Soul Cup is perfect: you could be in the ‘discovery’ phase of finding out what’s in your cup; you may be in the ‘integration’ phase of learning to listen to your Soul; you may be in the ‘sharing’ phase. Wherever you are, commit today to taking a step forward in your soul sharing journey, and discover, integrate or share some more! Learn to empty that soul cup every day and feel fulfilled and satisfied and joyously creatively soul-clear.

– Something to Play With –

Where are you on your Soul Cup Sharing journey? Discovery? Integration? Sharing? Why not try the morning pages for a while and find out what’s next for you in this journey? Delve deeper into your soul, find out what’s in your cup, learn to hear your soul more clearly, share what you have more widely. I would love to hear your thoughts on this article.

Love Donna Blue 300px

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18 responses to “Sharing What’s In Your Soul Cup”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    It’s easy to compare ourselves unfavourably…and all too often, unfairly! But it doesn’t help you to express YOUR brilliance, it dampens your enthusiasm. Which is a crime! Shine, lovely Sarah (who has written a book, how cool are you?!?!), shine! xxx

  2. Sarah avatar

    Hi Donna, yes, it is the very same! I suppose I need to be a bit kinder to myself and stop trying to label what’s in my mind and soul – I see so many thoughtful and meaningful blogs and mine always seems a bit, well, naff! I’ll take a peek at your links definitely. Back to basics!

  3. Sarah avatar

    Yes it’s the very same Sarah! Will check those links out, I guess I need to get to the bottom of what is in my head and heart and stop worrying about labels!

  4. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Thank you Leanne! I am so excited for you that you’re moving into the ‘sharing’ phase…isn’t it a WONDERFUL place to be?! I so recognised that ‘focusing on what I haven’t done’…yup, me too! Something to work on, huh?! Lol. xx

  5. Leanne avatar

    This is an inspiring post Donna – I love the concept of a ‘soul cup’. I also use the morning pages as a way of dipping into my cup and after I saw your list of what you’ve achieved recently (great work!) I realise I’ve achieved quite a bit too. I forget this partly because it doesn’t feel like work and partly because I’m always focused on what I haven’t done instead of celebrating what I have. Thanks for the reminder on this – I think I’m moving from the discovery to sharing phase and I’m loving it 🙂

  6. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Lol Nancy – I think part of the stuff in your soul cup to share is about that five-headed dragon – she’s got something to show and teach, she’s dancing with you…or so my soul is telling me! And I would love to read more about her. xx

  7. Nancy Norbeck avatar

    Sibylle and Donna–thanks so much for these wonderful new perspectives. I agree that not sharing makes us miserable, as I’m seeing right now in my own journey. And the idea that it’s our duty to share these gifts is one that I’m hoping will help me deal with the five-headed dragon of fear that seems to be standing in my way!

  8. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Ooh, delicious Cassandra! xxx

  9. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    That’s such a good point Sibylle – it’s not our problem if no one likes it (and if we’re really sharing from the soul, the right folks are going to LOVE it!), it’s just our gift to share. Love it. xx

  10. Sibylle avatar

    I am just back online at home (took a few days to get internet connected in my new flat) and so I’ve only just caught up with Leonie’s Soul Secret videos. I relate so much to what you are saying here. I sometimes think of my business from that fearful “what if nobody likes it?” perspective, instead of the “This is my heart and soul and my greatest gift – I owe it to the world to share it!” My entire energy shifts when I remind myself of the latter.

    Leonie has such a beautiful way of saying these things, doesn’t she?

    Thank you for the reminder, Donna <3

  11. Cassandra avatar

    Beautiful, Donna! I can so resonate with what Leonie and you have shared. Every night I want to go to bed knowing that I am empty and have given every juicy drop of my soul to those who need it.

  12. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    PS Sarah – one of my Daily Practices earlier in the year was to check in with body, mind, heart and soul…it was profoundly enlightening, and if you want to know what’s in your soul cup, it may be a good starting point? Here’s the post introducing it: And my wrap up post…

  13. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Lol Sarah – is this the same Sarah who just wrote a book? How I tell what’s in my soul cup is by what I am inspired to write about or find out about, those flashes of inspiration we get are our soul shining a light on what it wants to share. When I first started, I was nowhere near as prolific as I am now – now after years of mining my creativity, I find myself overflowing with ideas. Hmm. Perhaps I’ll do more blogs on those things. Thanks for the inspiration Sarah! And thank you for joining my list, I hope you keep enjoying the ‘gems’! x

  14. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    When my energy is low, I don’t tend to write much, but I do make notes about what’s happening so when I feel better I can write about it. I look forward to reading more of what’s in your soul cup! x

  15. Karina avatar

    Thank you for this lovely post. It is so spot on! I love sharing what’s in my soul cup. Love it! My challenge and intention now is to share more of the difficult stuff. I tend to write mostly when I feel great and I don’t want to create an image of someone who only has good days. Big hugs, Karina

  16. Sarah avatar

    I wish I knew what was in my soul cup, but I can’t put it into words! Maybe I have to wait for it to brew? I’m so in awe of people like you who seem so prolific in creating and sharing. Love your blog, and I’m already on the mailing list…keep the gems coming xx

  17. Mary avatar

    Thank you for sharing your soul’s cup – I’ve taken a sip and its delicious and full of love and wisdom