August 2008 Book Recommendation – Paulo Coelho

I recently re-read Paulo Coelho’s ‘The Alchemist’ and found it such a great read that I am now reading it a third time! A classic ‘quest tale’, it follows the fortunes of a shepherd who leaves his flock to go after his treasure. Chock full of references to ‘the soul of the world’, ‘omens’ and reminders to follow your dreams, this book is both a delightful story and an essential read to help you on your quest for treasure.

On this third read through, I’ve been using some of the many one-liners, like “There is a force that wants you to realise your destiny”, to journal my own thoughts on this ‘soul of the world’, these ‘omens’ and how the simple truths presented in this book apply to my quest. There’s probably not much in here you haven’t heard before, but I doubt you’ll have heard it in such a simple and easy to grasp storytelling style. Paulo Coelho embraces the truth that stories teach…and I am a willing pupil!


