Do you Disconnect when you’re Busy?

When you’re busy, do you lose touch? Do you disconnect? I do. I realised this week that thanks to the busyness of the book launch followed by a tech issue that’s been driving me crazy and taking way too much of my time, I’d disconnected from my centre and from the Divine entirely.

Meditation had fallen by the wayside. Often I didn’t have time to do the morning pages, which for me is a great source of mental, emotional and spiritual house-keeping. Time to sit and relax had been replaced by endless doing and nexting. I didn’t have time for joy and self-care. And because I was shattered, my self-love slipped too.

In short, all the things that help me to stay calm, peaceful, relaxed and feeling good were chucked out of the window because I was just too busy.

On the verge of a meltdown, I realised that not doing that spiritual, mental and emotional ‘work’ to keep myself happy and sane was making a bad situation even worse, and I resolved to stop the rot and re-engage with the things that make my life easier.

As part of that, I got in touch with a friend I haven’t spoken to in more than 3 months, and I realised that as well as disconnecting from myself and my divine team, I’d also disconnected from some of the people in my life. (Just as this particular friend had with me – she hadn’t been in touch either – too busy.)

Life is very busy these days. For us all. But the disconnection that happens when we’re busy makes things worse. When we disconnect from friends, we become isolated. When we disconnect from our heart, we become more easily agitated. When we disconnect from our higher selves or soul, we become rudderless. And when we disconnect from our Divine Team, we lose our anchor.

The irony is that when we stop, breathe, realise we’ve become disconnected, and try to reconnect, suddenly all the busyness is easier to navigate.

So where have you become disconnected? From your friends and family? From yourself – your heart and soul? From your Divine Team (whoever that is to you – angels, God, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, ancestors, guides)? And what can you do today to reconnect? I’d love to hear…leave a comment below and let me know.

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