Do You Think The World Is Heading to Hell In A Handbasket?

One of the things I am most irritated by in life is the news. It’s always so bloody negative. The news media delights in pulling people down, in reporting ‘facts’ in the worst possible light and in telling us all horror stories about the way the world works. No wonder a lot of people think the world is a bad place full of bad people doing corrupt, dishonest and evil things.

The Good Times w wwwBut what they don’t report on is the GOOD news. Not just ‘the economy is up ½ a percent’, and other boring and meaningless crap, but stories of courage, of innovation, of deep love and inspiration. Watching the mainstream news, one would assume that 90% of the population are liars, thieves, despots, cheats and evil dictators. But they’re not (pause a moment while I stand upon my soapbox).

The vast majority of people are good. Just look at the people you know – are they unscrupulous frauds and sociopathic murderers? I am guessing (and really rather hoping) not. I am guessing that they are nice people doing their best in the world. People who are kind and generous and who will get the elderly neighbours’ newspaper every day or take a friend to hospital for their x-ray.

Normal people. Watching the mainstream news, you’d be hard-pressed to find a normal person. Ok, I get that newspapers and x-rays aren’t really news. But there are people out there doing interesting and newsworthy positive stuff. When I rule the world, the mainstream news will of course report on arseholes who are trying to start wars and cheating, lying politicians…but then they’ll move onto the really interesting things.

The projects that are saving lives. The people who are innovating and coming up with new and exciting ideas to make the world a better place. Scientists and environmentalists and innovators who are doing cool stuff that deserves to be reported. It’s what does – they present interesting, influential people doing good stuff in the world – in their words, ideas worth spreading. Inspiring stuff.

Stuff that when you watch it makes you hopeful and excited and positive instead of despairing for the future of our world. THAT’S what the news should be about.

If you spend your days consuming news, you will have a skewed view of this world. As I do. I spend my days consuming inspiration so I believe in the goodness of humanity. I believe for every corrupt, lying, warmongering idiot, there are thousands of loving, clever, kind, wonderful people – some of whom are doing incredible, inspirational work in the world.

I would much rather have my perspective skewed in a positive, hopeful direction, rather than believe that the world is heading to hell in a handbasket. For a start, it means I am not fearful of the world ending (unless I’m in a plane, then, irrationally, I am). Also, it means that these inspiring, wonderful people make me believe in possibility, in innovation, in wonder, in a good future.

I’m inspired to do interesting things with my life, because I see that being modelled for me by thousands of people doing awesome things. Open your eyes and see that this world is full of possibility and talent and love and genius. Find people and organisations who inspire you. Find stories that move you and encourage you to do good in the world, instead of the ones that have you shrugging your shoulders and saying ‘what’s the point?’

Because those people who inspire you…they’re just like you.

And if they can do amazing things with their lives, so can you.

Let their achievements encourage you to reach for more in your life. Get inspired to create a life that’s fun and interesting and contributing positively to our world, instead of watching it go to hell in a handbasket!

This article is an excerpt from my latest book “Love Your Life:  86 ideas to help you fall in love with your life NOW” – the first book I have illustrated with my stunningly rubbish drawing!  Let me know what you think of it so far…  And to be the first to get your mitts on the finished book, make sure you’re on my mailing list.


PS This article is an excerpt from my fabulous book “Fall in Love With Life” – for more details and to buy, click here.