Don’t Let That Stop You

Whenever we are moving towards something we want, a goal or a dream, obstacles appear in our path. Some of the obstacles come from the outer world – circumstances, people or physical, some from ourselves – lack of self-belief, crises of confidence, doubt. But these obstacles are not unusual, they are not road-blocks, and they cannot stop you – unless you let them.

Ok, sometimes an obstacle really does stop you in your tracks, sometimes there is even a reason for us to be stopped, a different direction to go in. But more often, it is just an obstacle to get around. For example, I have a fabulous teleclass series I am planning to deliver – my next step is to test the teleclass lines and learn to use the technology. Unfortunately for the last 2 days I have been unable to get through to either of the services I am signed up for.

It’s a nuisance, but it’s not going to stop me. In fact, I’m quite glad, because if I was already running the teleclass series I’d be in a mess – unable to get on the line! I don’t know yet what the answer is – perhaps a different day, a different service, a webinar instead of a teleclass, a radio show instead, a download, a podcast….who knows? (if you do, please get in touch!)

Whatever your obstacle, look to go around, above, beneath, through if you have to…but don’t let it stop you. Of course, if you then run up against 1000 other obstacles, start considering that there might be a better way or a better direction for you…but don’t expect your path to be totally smooth. It just appears to be smooth when you just breeze on past your obstacles. Now, to this issue of the teleclass…

Let me know what obstacles you are overcoming today.








4 responses to “Don’t Let That Stop You”

  1. Donna avatar

    That’s how I read it…but it’s interesting that you put that! Lol – there is no obstacle at all indeed! xx

  2. Alexis avatar

    I won’t.
    But now that I have looked at my original comment, I think what I meant was that my obstacle was not believing I can change my life.
    How can believing you can change your life be an obstacle? It isn’t one at all!

  3. Donna avatar

    You know what I’m going to say hon! Don’t let that stop you! xxx

  4. Alexis avatar

    My obstacle is believing that I can change my life.