don't let what you want overshadow what you have

Don’t Let What You Want Overshadow What You Have

I’m a Big Dreamer – I love to daydream and imagine and create in my imagination…which sometimes leads to creation in real life too. All invention is born in the mind and all that.

But there’s something we do when we imagineer our future – set goals, create wonderful visions, decide on Big Dreams…we use those cool things we want to diminish our present.

So we want this big, shiny, sparkly, new life…and by comparison our current life starts to look small, dull, colourless, old. But ironically this dulling of our current life does not help us get the new shiny life.

Because when you come back to the present moment with a bang, it hurts. We start to look at what we currently have and do as not good enough, not shiny enough, not impressive enough (if that’s a thought of yours – who are you trying to impress?). And that’s depressing, not inspiring.

This came up with a client this month – they have some really cool ideas and dreams for this year. But then they were complaining about how far away they are from the cool stuff and how crap their life now is.

Don’t do that to yourself or your life. There’s always stuff we want to improve. But why criticise what you have now in order to propel you into what you want?

If you want the beach body, why criticise your current winter body?

If you want the big bank balance, why criticise your current bank balance?

If you want a new, shiny job, why criticise your current job?

It doesn’t help – it just makes you feel bad about your current life. Which does not encourage you to go make it better. It encourages you to put on a glum face and eat crisps (not ideal if you’re after the beach body).

Also, as I’ve been saying to clients for years, you are where you are, why make that miserable? Even if you’re leaving your job, you’ll be there for the month’s notice you need to give, so why not enjoy it for that time?

You can love your body now and want to be fitter.

You can love your money now and want more.

You can love your job now and want to move to something new.

Don’t let your dreams cloud your reality. Don’t let what you want overshadow what you have. Even if life now isn’t perfect, find ways to enjoy it anyway…on the way to what you want.

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