Dreams To Reality Podcast: The 3 Pillars

The 3 Pillars: Self Care, energy and joy. These 3 things are the foundation of a successful life – if you feel uncared for, depleted and you’re not enjoying life, life is so much harder! And if you want to make your big dream a reality, you need to be cared for, full of energy and enjoying your life.

To listen to this week’s podcast, click here: The 3 Pillars

EVERY DAY ask your HEART this:
How cared for am I feeling right now on a scale of 1-10, where one is ‘not at all’ and 10 is ‘cradled in the arms of love’. If it is less than a 7, your only task is to do something to make yourself feel more cared for – do something that nourishes you.
How energetic am I feeling right now on a scale of 1-10, where one is ‘no energy’ and 10 is ‘I feel like Tigger, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy!’ If it is less than a 7, your only task is to do something to raise your energy – do something fun, get out in nature, do something you love that raises your energy.
How much am I enjoying life right now a scale of 1-10, where one is ‘I’m not’ and 10 is ‘I am totally in love with my life’. If it is less than a 7, your only task is to do something fun, something you enjoy – this is your life. ENJOY it!

You can also subscribe to this podcast on itunes here.

May all your dreams become reality.








2 responses to “Dreams To Reality Podcast: The 3 Pillars”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Thank you lovely! I know, it makes me laugh!! If the car is running out of petrol, we just stop and fill up without thinking about it…but when we are running low on fuel, we seem to think we can just keep going regardless!!! Uh-uh. xx

  2. Celia avatar

    What an excellent question Maria…and what a relief to hear Donna, you have moments too! I found your advice useful, practical, and instinctively ‘spot on’ Donna. We all have periods of where the path seems too steep…taking stock and self care seems so obvious- but when we’re working towards a goal, it can feel like ‘cutting school’. Thanks Donna for putting us straight! We are just like batteries- sometimes we need recharging every so often!

    Thanks xx