Guest Post: Fall In Love With LIfe by Deborah King

To celebrate the release of my new book, Fall In Love With Life, I have invited a few friends to share their experiences and tips for falling in love with life. Today, I welcome Deborah King of; an emotional health and wellbeing Coach and a Wellness Advocate for doTERRA essential oils. Here’s Deborah’s story:

Secret Womens stuff love your life
I’ve been on this earth now for a few decades and it’s only been in the last couple of years that I’ve managed to fall in love with MY life, so now I show others how to do it, and do it a lot quicker than I did.

Falling in love with life to me means being able to show up every day and absolutely nail it. Being able to deal with the drama and the crap that finds it’s way to your doorstep and not becoming a doormat because of it.

Being your own person is so empowering. You call the shots, no matter what’s happening and that way you get to take control of the drama that happens.

Being in love with your life means you’re going to look good and feel good in the most trying times. You’re going to have the confidence, self esteem and resilience to be able to tackle life head on.

Your relationships are going to be buzzing and everyone will notice the difference and wonder what you’ve been up to.

A little bit of cheek and a whole lot of swagger – that’s you when you’re in love with your life.

How did I do it? How did I FILWML? I’ve overcome marriage breakdown, depression (most of my life), moving cities, businesses going belly up, single motherhood (4 children), starting over with relationships, extreme financial hardship.

Talk about mega drama – it seemed to be never ending.

Sometimes it took me a long time to recover. My self worth was shot, and many times I found myself in a deep black hole.

I decided I wanted out of this revolving door pattern. I knew I was attracting everything by my actions and my thinking and it had to stop.

I have always been drawn to self-help and natural/alternate therapies and studied Reiki and Kinesiology (wrong place, wrong time for this modality) but the Reiki served me well. I also started meditating.

It got to the point in the last very extreme dance with depression that I re-ignited my relationship with EFT (emotional freedom technique) and that was my saviour.

I made a promise I would get out of my head and into my heart and it was as simple as that. Once I started working from a heart space instead of a head space and concentrating on how I could be of service to others it opened the door to finally loving myself fully and completely. I also started connecting and reaching out to others.

I won’t lie to you. I’m not going to tell you I now have a six figure business and that’s why I’m blissfully happy, because I don’t and that’s not why I’m happy.

I work full time at my day job because it pleases me to do so and I can use my skills on the peeps at work. It also keeps the wolves from the door and I don’t have to worry about looking for my next client. I get to do what I love at work and part time helping others. I have the best of both worlds and I’m OK with that.

But…….by this time next year my goal is to be working fulltime for myself. I can feel the change sweeping through and there’s big things ahead, all because I chose to overcome the emotional overload and ditch the emotional baggage.

And one last thing…….You can do it. You can be happy and fulfilled. I am totally and completely in love with my life and I know you can fall in love with yours too!!!!

Signature Deborah King Secret Womens Stuff

Deb KingDeborah has 13 years experience in Counselling and more recently as a Life Coach and Wellness Advocate (for doTERRA essential oils). Deborah focuses on emotional health and wellbeing particularly in the areas of mindset and self-worth to do with relationships. She is also a Facilitator for the Yellow Lantern childrens program.

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