Happy Independence Day!

Isn’t it a wonderful idea to celebrate independence? (Which by the way, I always want to spell indepeDANCE! Like a happy dance, but for freedom. Anyway.) I love the idea of a day off to celebrate being in charge of your own destiny. To my friends and followers in the US, well done you for having such a brilliant reason for a holiday. And to all of us, whether your country is having an Independence Day or not, let’s take this opportunity to celebrate OUR independence. To celebrate our freedom. To celebrate being in charge of our own destiny, master of our own universe.

We have the freedom to do anything we want – we can dress as we wish, speak as we wish, vote as we wish, choose our own path in life. Do you appreciate how wonderful that is? Do you appreciate that we can speak out against tyranny, we can get an education which gives us a better chance in life, we have the freedom to move around, to work where we want to work, listen to the music we want to listen to. In every moment we have the freedom to choose – what we watch on TV, what we read, who we speak to, whether to be grumpy or happy, what to spend our money on, how to spend our time.

Sometimes it may feel like life is closing in around us and we have no choices, no freedom, no independence, but that is never true. No one can ever take away from you your brilliance, your freedom to love, your freedom to think, your freedom to be yourself. How wonderful. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to be independent, free, allowed to choose my life. Woohoo!!!! Happy Independence Day to you – may you always be free to live and love life as you choose.

With love
