Tag: choice

  • Podcast: Time and Your Big Dream

    The most important choice you make is what you choose to make important. What are you making more important than your Big Dream? TV? Surfing the internet? Reading trashy magazines? Are these things more important than your Big Dream? You may also find that you need less time than you think… just 10 minutes every…


    Sometimes when I am talking to people about their Big Dream Journey, they are so frustrated, they want it NOW NOW NOW! I can certainly appreciate that sentiment. I am horribly impatient by nature, and although technology issues have taught be to be a little more patient (when the computer freezes, the only thing that…

  • Happy Independence Day!

    Isn’t it a wonderful idea to celebrate independence? (Which by the way, I always want to spell indepeDANCE! Like a happy dance, but for freedom. Anyway.) I love the idea of a day off to celebrate being in charge of your own destiny. To my friends and followers in the US, well done you for…

  • Every Moment is a Choice

    How many choice points do you think you have in your life? Do you only see the “big” choice points – this job or that job, this relationship or a single life, buy a house or go to Australia. What would you think if I told you that this moment is a choice point? And…

  • Choose to be Happy Anyway

    Here’s a choice for you: You have a flat tyre. You can either be pissed off and have a flat tyre, or you can be happy and have a flat tyre. Either way, you still have a flat tyre. Which will you choose? If you decide to choose to be pissed off, what will you…