Hidden Away and Unloved

A few months ago I had a refit of my office – new colour on the walls, new flooring, new storage unit. All the boxes and bags of junk I had been storing in here went into the garage. My intention was to clear them all out over the next couple of weeks. Months down the line and I am still sorting through these bags and boxes. Today I found a load of things wrapped carefully in newspaper. The paper is dated 2004. These things have sat in the cupboard for the last 6 years. What use are they there?

I kept them because I liked them but felt I had nowhere to put them (a couple of mobile/wind chime type things and some candle holders). But seriously, what is the point of keeping them in a cupboard? I have a rule now about what I keep – if I use it or it makes me smile, I keep it. If not, out it goes. Looking at the things I had so carefully wrapped in newspaper and forgotten about for the last 6 years, some of them make me smile. Those things I have found a space for. Some of them, I would like to keep but I won’t use and they don’t make me smile, so they’re being wrapped back up ready to give to the charity shop.

From there, they will find someone who loves them, someone they can make smile, rather than being hidden away and unloved by me. Freeing up clutter frees up space in your mind as well as your home, it frees up energy…and it gives the clutter a chance to see daylight!








4 responses to “Hidden Away and Unloved”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Glad it was helpful Cecilia – I’ve put on my list of ‘blogs to do’ ‘something about clutter’ because you’re not alone in that. And you’ve added the KEY ingredient – enjoy it. If you enjoy it, you’ll do it. Which reminds me of something ‘flylady’ suggests – here’s the link http://www.flylady.net/pages/FLYingLessons_Decluttertips.asp – the top one, the 27 fling boogie – another fun idea! Keep going, and post every now and again either here or on facebook to let us know how you’re doing…I know there are people reading who are in the same boat! xxx

  2. Cecelia Rigby-O'Neill avatar

    Hi hun,

    Thanks for your reply! Found your thoughts reassuring and resourceful; very helpful indeed. As you have said in a previous post, a mountain can’t be leaped in one go- it takes a thousand steps. I’ll add a bit too- that every so often I’ll stop and watch the scenery! Actually ENJOY it, rather than fear a job that is overwhelming. Because when I actually did the clearout, it only took half an hr and felt great afterwards! Must recall the positive feeling I get when it’s accomplished- pozzie feedback lol!

    P.S. Donna, yes the links are working again! Thanks sweetie! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Aha – don’t be fooled into thinking I have no clutter. I have LOADS! Lol. This is just a few bags of the stuff that’s been sorted (and mostly kept!) I used to have one clutter clear method…get to the point that I couldn’t move for all the rubbish and on a PMT day, throw everything in the bin. Very cathartic. ๐Ÿ˜€ Now the method I use, and the one I recommend is to go slow and steady. Bit by bit. Area by area.

    Be gentle with yourself. I’m 100 times better than I was 2 years ago, but I still have a lot of crap! I’ve sold books and CD’s to Music Magpie and on Green Metropolis, but I still have far too many CDs and books! Start with 1 drawer and ask if the things in it are useful or beautiful (or make you smile). If not, throw or give them away. Once the one drawer’s junk is gone, move onto the next one.

    I also found Karen Kingston’s ‘Clear clutter with feng shui’ book useful. She understands that we are hoarders and her approach is humourous, realistic and friendly. Good luck! And remember to use the energy you are wasting on being cross with you to have some fun and chuck some junk! ๐Ÿ˜€


    PS is it sorted now? Thanks sweetie. xx

  4. Cecelia Rigby-O'Neill avatar

    My friend Karen (who linked me up to you!) does this too…her home rarely has clutter, and you can feel the positive energy. I myself, do try, honest! But I’m an instinctive pack-rat, and have also married one! I try to keep on top of it but end up feeling anger at myself. Any hints on re-framing my mindset? I’ve done it spontaneously before and enjoyed it, but it mostly feels like a chore that I procrastinate over! ๐Ÿ™‚

    PS The links to other ‘Related articles’ underneath are showing ‘404 Error-page not found’.
    (Normal links on R hand side in Recent Posts work great). Just thought I’d give you the heads up!