I Get Knocked Down…

…But I get up again. Nothing like a bit of chumbawumba on a wednesday! Lol. Much as I detest the song, I like the sentiment. I get knocked down, but I get up again. A Japanese proverb says it best “Fall down 100 times, get up 101”. This last week I have been being knocked down, getting up, knocked down, getting up, and so on and so on. Some weeks are just like that! (Usually weeks where I’m not sleeping – I’m harder to knock down when I’m not knackered!)

Anyway, if you’re getting knocked down at the moment, just get back up again. And if you are finding it hard to get up alone, make sure you are surrounded by people who help to pick you up. This can be friends and family, but it can just as easily be strangers who have uplifting things to say. Get an idea of who are your ‘go to’ people when you’re knocked down, or your action plan for getting back up (which may not involve people you know).

I’m lucky to be part of several online communities of like-minded people, and they are unfailingly helpful every time. But my top tip for getting ‘up’ again (and this can be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually ‘up’) is to have a laugh. A couple of times over the past week when I’ve been knocked down, I’ve gone to trusty You Tube and found some stuff that makes me laugh – it’s the quickest ‘up’ there is!







4 responses to “I Get Knocked Down…”

  1. Donna avatar

    Absolutely. Every success knows how to get back up again…and again…and again! xx

  2. Chris Barnett avatar
    Chris Barnett

    Perfect thought for the day! I don’t lose when I get knocked down 100 times… I win when I get up 101 times… x

  3. Donna avatar

    Absolootlee. Humour is the way forward! Thanks hon. Excellent plan…I had a bath instead! x

  4. Stacy Nelson avatar

    I love this… don’t forget that humor is the best medicine and lean on people who will hold you up gladly. You’re going to be great and I can’t wait to see all of the coaching pearls that come out of your experience. Now go toss a coin and figure out what one thing you’re going to do today and then take a nap after it’s done!