If You Believed In Yourself 100%…

D2R Q68
Q: If you believed in yourself 100%, what would you do towards your Big Dream today?

Answer below in the comments, or answer on your blog and leave your link below.

Get your Dreams To Reality Journal here.








2 responses to “If You Believed In Yourself 100%…”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Aah, that realist part…it can really get in the way! I will do a podcast specifically about that, it’s a GREAT topic! Thank you for the idea!

    In the meantime, I think these episodes of the podcast will be helpful:

    Sharing your big dream: https://donnaonthebeach.com/blog/2013/04/podcast-sharing-your-big-dream/
    Barriers between you and your big dream https://donnaonthebeach.com/blog/2013/02/podcast-barriers-between-you-and-your-big-dream/
    Trusting yourself and your big dream https://donnaonthebeach.com/blog/2012/03/podcast-trusting-yourself-and-your-big-dream/
    The Giving up thought and your big dream https://donnaonthebeach.com/blog/2013/02/podcast-the-giving-up-thought-and-your-big-dream/

    Lots of love


  2. Clare avatar

    Hi Donna,
    I should get a dreams to reality journal when i get back to Aus, but having troubles with paypal over here in Taiwan…..
    What if the dreamer part of your believes in you 100%, but the realist part of you, and some people in your life make you feel like they don’t get your dreams……which makes you have that twinge of doubt about them sometimes….do you have a post or podcast on steps you can take?….Clare x