I’m An Euthor!

So after a week of heckling everyone I know to tell them that my ebook is now up and running, I’m finally catching up with all the ‘congratulations’ e-mails. One came this morning to say “Well done! How fabulous to be an author!”…only I don’t really feel like an author. My ebook is a digital product, and although the writing process was exactly the same as an author of physical books, I don’t feel right calling myself an author.

So I’ve decided I’m an Euthor (e-author!) or Ethor or Digi-thor. It doesn’t quite have the same gravitas as ‘Author’ I suppose, but it made me smile!

Have a fabulous weekend,








2 responses to “I’m An Euthor!”

  1. Donna avatar

    Thanks sweetheart!!! Glad you’re still with me! xxx

  2. Cecelia Rigby-O'Neill avatar

    Go get ’em girl!!!

    I want to say THANKYOU for your thoughts, for your honesty, for your inspiration. I’ve been following you for years, and I’m sooooo proud and pleased for your continuing success!!

    Yeay YOU!


    Cee xx