Is “The Flow” Your Travelling Companion?

Do you know the phrase “going with the flow”? What does it mean to you to “go with the flow”? Are you going with the flow as much as you would like to? To me, going with the flow means taking the path that’s in front of me, instead of trying to hack through the undergrowth at the side of the path. It means letting life be easy, and instead of trying to force things to happen, allow them to happen in their own time.

This does not mean that I do not have desires and ideas of my own, but that I am not attached to a certain desire being met NOW or a certain idea coming to fruition NOW. Over the years I’ve been coaching, I’ve noticed that the happiest moments of our lives are when we are going with the flow instead of trying to swim against the tide. People who are ‘going with the flow’ are relaxed, easy-going, enjoying whatever comes up while they are pursuing what they desire.

The Flow is a wonderful travelling companion – go with it, and it will lead you to your best life, faster than you could go alone. Oh, and you’ll also enjoy the journey far more…unless you like to be stressed, lost, fed up, struggling, fighting, walking uphill through treacle, doing it the hard way.




