Tag: ease

  • My Vision for 2019

    My Vision for 2019

    I have come up with my vision statement for this year….drumroll, please… I dance through life with confidence, ease, and joy. Isn’t it delicious? I love it. It’s not what I expected my vision to be for this year. I expected something to do with space and calm and peace – those were the words…

  • July Daily Practice: 10 Minutes of Yoga

    Whenever I ask myself what Daily Practice I need to add into my life, Yoga is always the answer! For a few brief months last year, I did manage to do a 10 minute yoga practice every day, and I felt better for it. My body felt stronger, I was calmer, and I seemed to…

  • Learning More From Failure

    Do you learn more from failing than you do from succeeding? It is accepted wisdom that we learn a lot more from making a mess of things than we do from effortlessly flying through. But why? Is it because there are more lessons when we fail? Or is it because we don’t examine the cause…

  • Wading Uphill Through Treacle…

    …with steel boots on. Ever feel like that? I posted on my Facebook page earlier that when you feel that way it is time to stop, refresh, take off the steel boots and find a way up the hill without the treacle! Try this: how can this be more easy? How can this be more…

  • Drop The Pressure

    Do you ever find yourself getting incredibly grouchy? Irritable? Impatient? Even evil? A short fuse is a key indicator of stress, but we often blame the weather, tiredness, PMT, and sometimes miss the fact that actually, we are under a lot of pressure. All too often, this pressure is entirely self-inflicted – the only person…

  • In Praise of Laze

    I was talking to someone I coached about 5 years ago the other day, and she reminded me of something I’d asked her to do – get comfortable with, and allow herself to be, lazy. Like so many other things, laziness gets such a bad rap that many of us will work ourselves into an…

  • Writing and The Work

    A note from Donna I was telling a friend about this insight a couple of weeks ago, and she suggested that it would make an interesting article. This is based on ‘The Work’, a four-step process used by Byron Katie (see recommendation) – the premise is that you explore a stressful thought through these four…

  • Is “The Flow” Your Travelling Companion?

    Do you know the phrase “going with the flow”? What does it mean to you to “go with the flow”? Are you going with the flow as much as you would like to? To me, going with the flow means taking the path that’s in front of me, instead of trying to hack through the…

  • Take off the pressure

    Who is putting all the pressure on you? Would it be you?! Even when someone else is asking you to do something, all you have to do is say ‘no’. Take the decision today to live without the pressure – you will still do all you want to do, just without the stress. Love Donna.x

  • Disturbing the Water

    I went for a swim today, and once again was struck by the differences in the way people swim. Some have their own unique strokes that look enormously inefficient but get them up and down the pool faster than I can move! Some disturb the entire pool, thrashing through the water and in the process…