November Daily Practice: Clear the Clutter! - Donna Higton - life coach and author
So, when I was wondering what Daily Practice to do in November, I looked out of the window at the trees that were steadily shedding their leaves in preparation for the winter. After a few minutes quiet reflection about the onset of winter, which means dark nights, cold feet, wearing 7 layers of clothing, no sunshine, and for me, grumpiness, I suddenly realised the obvious...the trees were releasing what was no longer needed in readiness for the hibernation season. Looking around my cluttered office, I knew the time had come for the Daily Practice I'd been putting off for a few months: clutter clearing! I am, I confess, something of a hoarder. Not as bad as some, but when I read about people who exist with only 100 possessions, I can only look askance. To get my bookshelf alone down to one hundred items would be an impossibility. But when I backpacked around Australia, I managed for a year with just what I could fit in one bag...and tie to the outside of the bag, and fit in carrier bags and handbags...but still, I managed with very few (for me) items. I also know that whenevery I DO have a clutter clear, I invariably feel better. I don't like doing it though, so I usually wait until I can't get any more clothes in the wardrobe or books on the bookshelf or I haven't got any floor space left, lose my temper with it and go crazy with the black bags. Which makes clutter clearing cathartic but a bit violent! I like the idea of preparing for winter by getting rid of what I no longer need, and I know that the old needs to be released to make way for the new. I know that it's a darn site easier to keep the place tidy if there's less crap cluttering it up! I know that the outer environment can match the inner environment - chaos without, chaos within...and that if you clear the outer chaos the inner chaos subsides. And I know for sure that I have WAY too much stuff! So, the Daily Practice for November was decided. Having made the decision and started to make some notes about what the Clutter Clearing Practice would entail, I received an e-mail from Leonie Dawson telling me that the Goddess Haven ecourse was to begin on the 1st of November! From the ecourse blurb, it says "Goddess Haven e-course: 6 weeks to creating your decluttered, sacred, nourishing haven!” - oh, how perfect is that?! Don't you just love it when the universe gives you a little nod to say 'yes, you're on the right track there gorgeous'!? Not only that, but I also received an e-mail from the lovely Carole Dore about "clearing out the old to make way for the new!" Yup, I'm definitely on the right track here! As ever with these daily practices, I want to make it easy for myelf (and you, if you are going to join me!). So I won't be spending long days clearing EVERYTHING out. Instead, I've already started to make a list (I do love a list!) of all the possible places for clutter to accumulate in my home...which is pretty much everywhere. And every day, I will pick ONE area, take 10 minutes out and clear clutter from that ONE place. To be honest, that list already contains more places than days in November, but if I even get half of those areas clear of clutter, I'll be delighted! So, are you going to join me and get the clutter cleared in November? Let me know if you're going to join in, and make sure you are following me on facebook or twitter for a daily reminder to keep you clutter clearing! - Something to Play With - Join me in my clutter clearing November adventure. Start by making a list of all the places you would like to clear clutter from in your home. DO NOT get stressed out about this list! It is just to help you pick a place to start every day. Then, every day in November, pick one drawer, or one shelf, or one corner of a room, and spend 10 minutes clearing the clutter (playing your favourite music is optional but will make it more fun!). Then get on with your day. Want to share your thoughts on this article? Leave me a comment below to let me know what you think. Love Donna.x