OnTheBeach: A Triad Of Newness for the Real New Year

Crocus for newsletterCan you feel it in the air? The newness? The awakening energy? The revitalisation? The uncovering, unfolding, blossoming? The revival? It’s in the air, it’s the Real New Year. Humans might decide to call the New Year January 1st, but for me, nature has a better handle on when to celebrate a New Year. Spring. When plants awaken, when animals start to come out of hibernation, when the energy just feels New.

I’ve always thought that January was a bad time for a New Year. Mostly because I was a bear in a previous life, I think, and winter is never a good time (in my view) for new. It’s a good time for reflection, planning, resting, warming, sleeping, nesting, replenishing energy. But not for newness. I do set goals for the year ahead, and I do start my planning…but it’s usually this time of year before the planning is complete and I’m ready to start taking some Big Action.

I see the same pattern in my clients, and this week’s sessions have been wonderful, because everyone I’ve spoken to so far has felt some kind of awakening – a renewal of their committment and focus, a stirring of desire to naturally go and take action, where before there had been some lethargy and struggle. Now, there is a spark of energy that is running through their desires and goals, enlivening them, making them feel different. Every client I have spoken to this week has talked about ‘something changing’, and yesterday, one said “I feel like I’ve woken up from winter”.

I have felt this very strongly this week – to me it feels like a new week of a new month of a new season – a triad of newness. Can you feel it? It feels to me like a perfect time to breathe life into your goals for this year, to check in with yourself, to take some big action, to energise yourself, to notice which of your goals for 2013 have fallen by the wayside and to decide whether to pick them up again or to leave them and go onto something new.

A little word on that: In February, I created an Action Book, with a page for each of my goals, and ideas for actions I can take towards them all. Before I assigned each goal a page, I checked in with myself to see how much I wanted each one on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is “I don’t want it” and 10 is “YES! This HAS to happen!” Only the ones which were an 8 or more got their own page…because with 18 goals at an 8+, anything less than a 7, I just don’t want enough. If you’re not really bothered about your goals it’s so much harder to breathe energy into them. So if any of your goals have fallen by the wayside, check if you really want them before you pick them back up.

Because we humans, with our 24/7/365 lifestyles, can be so out of touch with nature, we can miss the potential of the Spring Renewal, only feeling relief that the winter clothes can finally be put away and the days will be longer. But you can do so much more with it – tap into that Awakening Energy to Awaken yourself. Use the energy to get yourself moving, to infuse your dreams with vitality, to give you a boost to get some stuff done, to allow you to blossom like the plants are beginning to.

Tap into that energy by getting out in nature, by feeling the warmth in the sun, by watching the flowers blossom and the trees bud (ok, no trees are budding here just yet, but it can’t be far away…), by using any extra energy you feel in your body, mind, heart and soul to take some action towards the life you want. Put a spring in your step, a sparkle in your eye, some zest in your life and go get ’em Tiger!

– Something to Play With –

Take some time this week to breathe new life into your desires and goals for this year – check how much you want your goals, brainstorm some actions to take, take some Big, Bold, Action, take some baby steps, ramp up your desire, take advantage of the natural energy of growth and newness and the Real New Year. Let me know if you’re feeling the energy in the comments below.




8 responses to “OnTheBeach: A Triad Of Newness for the Real New Year”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Enjoy those big, bold, delicious actions! x

  2. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Love it! I have so many conversations with people about feeling so ‘tired and lethargic’ in winter…and it’s natural! The natural world gets it…and so do the cards it appears! x

  3. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Hooray for spring indeed! x

  4. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    You are very welcome Jessica! Glad you’ve accepted the challenge 😀 x

  5. Jacqueline Gates avatar

    I feel it.

    There’s a hint of warmth to the air, and clusters of daffodils between the highway lanes. The squirrels are awake outside my window.

    And I’m shedding layers every day.

    “Big, Bold Action” sounds delicious!!

  6. Cassandra avatar

    I’m so with you on this. Winter is all about going into the cocoon, reflecting, inside work, and then there’s spring with it’s blossoming and winged dreams. I pulled Gaian tarot cards for 2013 and thought it was so appropriate that for February I received a card about getting still and going inside and for March I pulled the Ten of Fire, which is all about letting go of what’s been done so the new seeds can blossom.

  7. Sue Kearney (@MagnoliasWest) avatar
    Sue Kearney (@MagnoliasWest)

    Ramping up my desire…! It’s happening even without my putting my intention to it. Fell asleep last night thinking about collaboration and my launch, woke up this morning thinking about how I will improve the portfolio page on my website.

    Hooray for Spring! New life, new intentions, new focus.

    Bless you for bringin’ it so beautifully.

    Love and light,

  8. Jessica avatar

    Challenge accepted, Donna! I’ve definitely noticed how as the days have been getting longer (though not warmer, yet…), I’ve been feeling much more enthusiasm for what I’m doing. Thanks for adding a dose of inspiration.