OnTheBeach – A Triumph of Hope and Ingenuity

This is an article I wrote last year just after the Chilean miners were released – the message is just as relevant today, I hope you enjoy it.

Have you been watching the Chilean miners being brought out today?  I have had the news on in the background all day – a very rare thing for me as I usually cannot bear the negativity and scare-mongering they indulge in.  However, today’s story is largely a positive representation, even hardened news journalists are a little misty eyed over each emotional reunion every man has had with his family.

It is a complete triumph of hope and ingenuity over negativity and pessimism.  First that these men managed to survive underground for 17 days without any contact with the outside world, then that they have survived underground for over 2 months, and finally that the solution has worked more quickly than expected and so far is going immensely smoothly.  (and that they have emerged from that cocoon without panicking – I didn’t do so well when I was in an MRI machine for 25 minutes!)

When considering what I would send out for this week’s newsletter, this was the story that wouldn’t let me go.  I have no intention of rehashing all the news of this – I’ll leave that to the news crews.  What I want to point to is how you can do this – you can have hope and ingenuity triumph over negativity and pessimism.  Without being buried 1000 feet underground.

Many of us have long held dreams and desires, things that we have always wanted to do.  Sometimes, it looks like nothing will ever happen, nothing will ever change.  Sometimes there is hope and optimism – even in the face of zero evidence that things will work out!  Sometimes, the people around us are afraid for us, and well-meaning people offer advice that serves not to help us move forward, but to ‘keep us safe’, constricted, frustrated and trapped.

People will often say ‘well, that might not work out’.  Which is undeniably true.  But it might – and I’m guessing the miners who have been released today are very glad that the naysayers didn’t get their way and give up!  Your big dreams, ambitions and ideas deserve this from you.  They deserve for you to keep faith with them, believe in them, keep hoping, keep looking for solutions and bring them out alive if at all possible.

Of course, sometimes things do not work out, but at least you will be able to look yourself in the eye and say ‘I tried’.  As you know, I coach women (and men) with big dreams and ideas who want to change their lives, want more from life and want to let their light shine out fully in the world.  And I can tell you with certainty that I have never coached anyone (or indeed come across anyone) who has started to bring their dream to the surface who regrets it.

In my own life, I have noticed that my big dreams, ambitions and ideas don’t always work out the way I thought they would – but everytime I take a step towards my most cherished desires, something good happens – I learn, I grow, I feel more free, I expand, I escape the frustration and disappointment you feel when you hold your dreams and big ideas trapped under the surface.

Hope will keep you moving in the direction of the things you want – the joyful, fulfilling life, the ambitions, the dreams.  Hope will keep the flame of your desires alive.  Ingenuity will help you to realise those dreams.  Without inspired action, your dreams will remain dreams.  But if you allow those dreams to whisper in your ear, ingenious ideas will form, innovative thoughts will take you forward, your resourcefulness, genius and imagination will save your dreams from a life underground.

Something to play with

What dreams, ideas, desires, ambitions have you buried underneath the surface, deep within you?  Maybe you want to write a book, travel the world, make a million, start a business, have a relaxed and joyful lifestyle, become an artist.  Whatever it is, start listening to the whispers of your dreams and desires – they will help you bring them to life.  And if you need support with this, there is time for you to finish the year with a flourish with coaching sessions, see this page for coaching packages.








2 responses to “OnTheBeach – A Triumph of Hope and Ingenuity”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Absolutely. I remember when I was not going after things I loved, life was more ‘comfortable’ but my soul was dying! And now…sometimes I still get fed up, but mostly I’m just excited about what’s next! xx

  2. Ande avatar

    Well-stated, Donna! Sounds like you and I are on the same wavelength–just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. I believe that when we stop going after our hearts’ desires, we kind of shrivel up. It’s the passion for reaching that fuels our best life.