OnTheBeach – All is Inter-Connected

– A note from Donna –
Wondering what I could write in this bit this week, I decided that despite the fact that we’re having lots of weather here in the UK, I really couldn’t keep embracing the British obsession with the weather and keep talking about it. So I pootled through a few back issues of this fine newsletter to see what else I’ve been talking about. As it turns out, 90% of the time I talked about the weather! No wonder I felt it was time to move on to another subject. And look, this week I’m talking about me talking about the weather. Sheesh I need some inspiration!! So, if you have any questions you’d like me to answer, send them in…save this section of the newsletter from my obsession with sunshine on a rainy day! Happy Monday one and all. 😉

– All is Inter-Connected –

As some of you may know, as well as being a coach, writer, speaker and all round amazing person ;-), I also do Onsite Massage. This is a lovely massage technique that’s in a special chair and takes just 15 minutes which is ideal for workplaces. No, this isn’t a salesletter for this service! (but if you’re interested, e-mail me!) Often, people will ask if I can ‘just’ concentrate on their shoulders or back and leave out the arms and head.

But the thing is, they’re all connected. My usual answer is to say I’ll do the normal massage routine this time, then next time if they’d rather I concentrate on one area, we’ll talk about it again. This never happens. Because what they realise is that the shoulders are MORE relaxed when the neck, head, arms and back are also relaxed. (is anyone else singing ‘the neck bone connected to the head bone’?)

And, by bizarre coincidence, this applies to all life. All is inter-connected. If your body is relaxed, your mind is more likely to be relaxed, and vice versa. Does anyone else get woken up in the middle of the night by something, finding yourself bolt upright in bed, body in a state of hyper-awakeness? Your mind quickly catches up…and then your mind is wide awake while your body goes back into relaxation mode…and then the mind catches up again and goes to sleep. Hopefully.

It doesn’t always work of course, but it’s a good rule of thumb to remember. All is inter-connected. So if you’re having a shit time at work, this will inevitably bleed into your relationships and home life. If you are deliriously happy at home, this will feed into your work day. I love it when clients first begin to work with me, they work on one area of their life and suddenly other areas start to improve too – even though they haven’t necessarily taken action on them. All is inter-connected.

Within your body, within your life, within your environment even – if everyone round you is miserable, chances are that will rub off on you unless you take steps to protect yourself. Likewise, if you surround yourself with positive, optimistic people, some of their cheeriness will rub off on you…again, unless you take steps to protect yourself! The good news is that now you are aware of this truth that all is interconnected, you can consciously create and nurture connections that improve the quality of your life…and if you work on ANY area of your life, the others will get better too!

– Something To Play With –

So which connections are bringing you down, and which are helping you up? How can you use the truth that all is inter-connected to make your life even more amazing? Want to share your thoughts on this article? Leave me a comment below.



