OnTheBeach: Get Over Under Round and Through Any Obstacles in Your Way

get over under round or through any obstacles in your way
So, you have this magnificent vision for your life – you know what you want…or at least you know that you want more than you have now – there’s a pull to have a more amazing life…you’ve started to take ACTION…and then BAM! You run smack into a metaphorical wall.

Self-doubt, no time, lack of action, life getting in the way, no money, energy or health issues, biting off more than you can chew, lack of support, fear (of failure, success, change, no change), you don’t know what to do…the list of things that can get in your way goes on and painfully on.

And sometimes those obstacles can stop you dead in your tracks. Instead of merrily working your way toward a life you are desperately in love with, you’re stuck, pissed off, stressed and discouraged. I hear ya buddy. I get it. I’ve lived it. Quite a few times actually. BUT I’ve also got unstuck just as many times. That’s why I’ve made so many of my Big Dreams happen – travelling the world, writing a book, starting a business, living and working by the sea, walking a marathon.

Because obstacles are not there to stop you.

They are there to get over, under, round and through.

They are there to make you stronger, faster, better; they are there to help you get your Big Dreams and live your most magnificent life. I know it doesn’t seem that way – sometimes it feels like one of these obstacles has been placed in your way by the capricious fates just to make your life difficult (the new EU VAT laws are such an obstacle for me at the mo!).

But in order to have the life you wish to have, you need to eliminate self-doubt and low confidence; you need to develop problem-solving muscles; you need to become all that you are capable of becoming. Big dreams and amazing lives stretch us, they call the best from us, they ask us to be AWESOME. And that mean growing pains. It means obstacles. It means blockages. And also, this is life…

Shit happens!

What matters isn’t whether you fall down (you will) or get stuck (you will), but how you get up and keep going. How you get over, under, round and through every damn obstacle in your way. And when you do that for a while, you start to notice something – the obstacles are the same for everyone. And they come back over and over again. Whenever I work on a creative project, I notice phases – ideas, flow, fun, “this is shit”, flow, completion. “This is shit” comes up every time…and I’m not alone in this – all creative people hit this obstacle. It doesn’t actually mean what you’re working on is shit, it’s just a fear that needs soothing.

And it’s the same for any obstacle – it’s just something that needs to be dealt with so you can move on into the life you’re dreaming of. Everyone hits walls, gets stuck, has obstacles and blockages to deal with. So deal with them. Get over, under, round and through those obstacles into the life you’ve been dreaming of!

And if you’d like some help with some obstacle busting, check out my new e-workshop – not only is there a whole section on obstacles, there’s a BONUS free ebook on obstacles and actions to get past them AND BONUS audios on 17 common obstacles. Check it out here.

