OnTheBeach: Honouring the Energy of Autumn

Autumn leaves Yareckcl on Morgefile  - honouring the energy of autumn
So, if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, the Autumn season is fully upon us. Leaves are falling, crops are being harvested, the air is starting to cool and the winter clothing is dug out of the back of the wardrobe (boo!)

It’s a season when I hang on to the last vestiges of summer – I still sit outside whenever the weather is nice enough for me to do so (even if I have to sit there in a coat!); I run outside to catch rays of sunshine, I optimistically go out without a scarf (then regret it as the icy wind bites into my neck!)

This year, it’s also a season that I’m noticing the energy of. That slowing down, harvesting, letting go, turning inward energy. This is partly because my acupuncturist has been pointing it out when I arrive for my appointments breathless, stressed and complaining about the never-ending to-do list! And partly it’s because over the years I’ve become more aware of the energy of each season, and trying to honour that energy while also still living my life.

Winter energy I’ve noticed for years – the desire to hibernate is so strong in me I’m convinced I was a bear in a previous life. Spring too, is an obvious one – I’m revving up out of winter, keener to get out and about and do stuff and starting to open up. Summer is all about enjoy the warmth and light…and I think because traditionally I’ve tried to make summer last forever, I slam into winter with a crash.

This year feels a little different. I can feel the turning in, letting go, finishing, slowing down, reviewing and re-evaluating energy of this season. I can feel that if I slow down a little now, winter won’t come as such a shock to me. I know that if I do what the trees do and release what I don’t need, I can move through the next few months more easily and lightly.

Are you feeling the energy of this season? Wherever you are in the world, what is the season calling forth in you. If you want to enjoy and honour the autumnal energy, here are 4 things you can do:

1. Harvest your crops
What have you been working on this year that you can complete now? I am obviously (still!!) completing my book; but also am completing a few other projects that have been on the to do list for a while. What can you complete ready for hibernation time?

2. Drop what you no longer need with ease
Spring cleaing is the one that we all know so well – airing the house after a long winter…but what if we were to autumn/fall clean too? Letting go of all that is not necessary will help you ‘survive’ the winter – like the trees that release their leaves ready to hibernate in the winter. Take some time to clear out and make space for your comfortable hibernation cave! And notice that the trees let go easily…they don’t agonise or stress over it. The leaves just fall.

3. Begin to slow down
The holiday season beckons, with all the attendant mayhem, parties, shopping and busyness. it’s the season that catches up with us and makes us all ill most years. What could you do in autumn to pre-empt that nervous collapse? How can you begin to slow down and take excellent care of yourself now so you’re less likely to fall ill? Even a little bit of relaxation time and tlc will go a long way.

4. Get outside and take in the energy of Autumn (or whatever the season is where you are)
Us humans seem to have forgotten that we’re part of the natural world. We live in sealed houses, venture outside only to go to a sealed car and then onto another sealed building. Most of us do not get enough fresh air, or time to take in the change of season and what that means to us. I have to because my dog forces me outside…but I’m going to take the time this week while walking to stop and watch what nature is up to – trees shedding their leaves, farmers gathering their crops, daylight getting shorter and nights extending.

Wherever you are in the world, take the time to honour the energy of the season. The natural world has a far greater effect on us than we realise, and when we pay attention to that and live accordingly, in tune with the natural world, life is easier…and you know how I love an easy life!!

What are you doing to honour the energy of the season where you are?




2 responses to “OnTheBeach: Honouring the Energy of Autumn”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Oh I love that Monica! I hope your pumpkin soup is well received! xxx

  2. Monica Douglas-Clark avatar
    Monica Douglas-Clark

    Hi Donna, Thank you for the reminder to immerse myself in the energy of Autumn. I’ve also been feeling the change of energy as Autumn has come. It feels like I am dropping leaves in order to create new spaciousness. Also I’m feeling like I have some beautiful perfectly formed creative pumpkins that have developed over the last few months. I’m ready to make some delicious soup and share literally and metaphorically.