OnTheBeach: Just for the Fun Of It

Beach Card 42I picked a Beach Card this week to go in my weekly newsletter, and got inspired to make this week’s article all about this card. This card always gets me thinking…how much fun do you have in your life? Do you even have time for fun after all the work and the chores and the things you just HAVE to do? Do you make time for fun? Or do you wake up one day and realise you can’t remember the last time you laughed?

For most adults, fun isn’t something we really think about daily. It’s something that comes up now and again when we have a night out coming up, or our favourite comedy happens to come on the telly. Have you any sense of how sad that is? How depressing? Because life’s a serious business, right?


Without fun, without joy, without laughter and silliness and merriment and play, life is boring. It’s a big long to do list without any lightness and wonder. Bah. That’s not what I call a ‘life’ – it’s an existence. And it’s so easy to fall into. I’ve had some energy problems lately (possibly related to my diet, MS, burnout or the weather changing…who knows!) and because of that I have had to just lie and sleep…or sometimes just lie and mull over life, because I didn’t have the energy to do anything else, but couldn’t actually sleep.

And one of the thoughts that crossed my mind was that my joy tank was a bit low on fuel. Ordinarily, I make a conscious effort to plan and look forward to fun stuff on a regular basis, but as I’ve been low in energy, I’ve let my fun focus slip a bit. Which, ironically doesn’t help my energy levels…because joyous energy is high energy. But I know that I’m not the only one.

I only have to have a quick look around at my friends to see that many of them are so caught up in what they’ve got to do, and the endless to do lists, that they’ve forgotten to plan some fun. Wait! Plan fun did I say? Isn’t that a contradiction in terms? Well, I get why you might think that, but no, it’s not. It’s necessary. Because if you forget to plan in some fun, before you know it, 3 months have slipped by and you feel your face might crack if you laugh.

Life is supposed to be enjoyed you know. It’s supposed to be fun. And especially if you are broke, or stressed, or tired, or overwhelmed by life, or low in energy, or ridiculously busy, or have no time for fun, you need to have some fun anyway. Fun doesn’t have to take long – a quick chat with a friend, a 10 minute dance break, playing with the dog (who, ironically has just walked into the room to interrupt me!), playing with the kids, playing snap with your partner (or hey, there’s other fun things you can do with your partner…nudge, nudge, wink, wink!), sing your favourite song, watch your favourite comedy, bounce on a trampoline, skip, run, play ball, do yoga, meditate. laugh for no reason at all, get your colouring pens out and doodle…whatever YOU find fun!

Take this Beach Card as an instruction, a directive, a very important memo from the Divine, and go have some fun!

And don’t forget to tell me in the comments below what you’re going to do today just for fun!

Pick your own beach card here.








4 responses to “OnTheBeach: Just for the Fun Of It”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    You’re very welcome Melissa – hope you had some fun! xx

  2. Melissa avatar

    Having fun is such a great way to burn off stress! Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Yay! Sounds like fun! Enjoy xx

  4. Raw Chick avatar
    Raw Chick

    Wow, this CA gurl misses the beach all over again! I’ll be taking dance class – my favorite release.